National News

Praising God for a record-breaking collection of shoebox gifts!

The numbers are in! Your incredible efforts in 2024 yielded 11,927,439 Gospel Opportunities that were packed, collected, and prayed over, including 10,574,805 in the U.S., an all-time high. Praise God! This milestone would not have been possible without the collective sacrifice and dedication of our Connect Volunteers.     Because of your commitment 11,927,439 children […]

Praising God for a record-breaking collection of shoebox gifts! Read More »

Age Spots

By Jackie Dover My Friend Said I Should Recently I had some sisters in my office to go over Medicare information and what each of them should do and when. They were from a big family and had many siblings and cousins who were all in the “talking about Medicare” stage of their lives and

Age Spots Read More »

Poplar Bluff is among communities in Arkansas, Louisiana and Missouri receiving funding from the Delta Regional Authority

CLARKSDALE, Miss. – Approximately $6 million in investments has been awarded to three projects across three states in the Delta region, thanks to a partnership program between the Delta Regional Authority (DRA) and the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA).   Recognized as the Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance (PWEAA) program, DRA and EDA have,

Poplar Bluff is among communities in Arkansas, Louisiana and Missouri receiving funding from the Delta Regional Authority Read More »

Biden-Harris Administration awards over $103 Million in homelessness assistance to communities in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska

KANSAS CITY, Kan.  – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced nearly $3.6 billion in Continuum of Care (CoC) program awards for nearly 7,000 projects that provide housing assistance and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, as well as costs related to planning and data collection. As a result of HUD extending application

Biden-Harris Administration awards over $103 Million in homelessness assistance to communities in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska Read More »

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides over $1.3 billion to support fish and wildlife conservation and outdoor access

BLOOMINGTON, MINN. – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced more than $1.3 billion in apportionments to support states, commonwealths and territories in their efforts to fund conservation and connect people with nature. This critical funding is generated by manufacturers who paid federal excise taxes last year on ammunition, firearms, archery and angling equipment,

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides over $1.3 billion to support fish and wildlife conservation and outdoor access Read More »

Smith, Estes demand the Social Security Administration’s Plan to ensure timely relief in implementing repeal of the WEP and GPO

WASHINGTON – With a full repeal of Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) now signed into law, the Social Security Administration (SSA) must provide Congress and the public with clear guidance on how it will deliver immediate relief to those who have been impacted by the flawed WEP and GPO, demanded

Smith, Estes demand the Social Security Administration’s Plan to ensure timely relief in implementing repeal of the WEP and GPO Read More »

The FDA continues to intimidate doctors and defraud the American public

HOUSTON ( – The Golden Gift announced today that affordable plasma interventions can have significant health and economic benefits to prevent or manage age-related conditions that account for a majority of our nation’s $4.5 trillion in annual health care expenditures: Plasma was approved for medical use by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938

The FDA continues to intimidate doctors and defraud the American public Read More »

Test, fix, save a life: EPA Region 7 encourages home testing during National Radon Action Month

LENEXA, KAN. – Each January, EPA seeks to raise awareness of radon exposure during National Radon Action Month, encouraging residents to “Test, Fix, Save a Life” and protect themselves and their families by having their homes tested for the presence of radon.   Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas produced by the breakdown of

Test, fix, save a life: EPA Region 7 encourages home testing during National Radon Action Month Read More »

HUD invests over $2.4 million to support families achieving economic self-sufficiency in Missouri

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced over $140 million in funding to 836 existing grantees through the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program. These awards will fund 1,537 service coordinator positions across the country. Missouri agencies received $2,405,321 in funding. The FSS program provides grants to public housing

HUD invests over $2.4 million to support families achieving economic self-sufficiency in Missouri Read More »

EPA penalizes four Missouri home renovators for lead-based paint violations

LENEXA, KS – Four Missouri home renovation companies have agreed to collectively pay over $27,000 in penalties to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to resolve alleged violations of the federal Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). According to EPA, the following companies failed to comply with regulations that reduce the hazards of lead-based paint exposure

EPA penalizes four Missouri home renovators for lead-based paint violations Read More »