Jefferson College to host ‘Come Back to School Night’ for adults

HILLSBORO — Let Jefferson College help you find the missing piece to upgrading your employment skills or gaining a new career at our “Come Back to School Night”, an adult learner open house event, on Thursday, September 28, from 6-7:30 p.m.


The event will be hosted on the Central Lawn, located outside the Student Center. (In case of rain, the event will be held in the Student Center Viking Room.)


“There is no cost to attend the family-friendly, casual event. Reservations are not required. If you are an adult prospective student or maybe just enrolled for your first semester this fall you are invited to drop by at any time. We will have food and games, it will be fun for the whole family!”a college official was heard to comment.


Open to everyone in the surrounding region, the informational event will include representatives from campus resources including Admissions, Accessibility Resource Office (ARO), Workforce and Development, Financial Aid, Project Success, Advising, Campus Wellness, Adult Education and Literacy, Veterans Benefits, as well as many programs we offer here at the college.


“My hope is that this event will be a time for these adults who are often anxious about going back to school to learn all about what college can look like for them and what resources are available in a really relaxed and non-threatening environment,” said Jefferson College Admissions Representative Jess Bartlett.


The community-centered event will provide an opportunity to talk directly with other adult learners and receive answers to questions regarding going to college. A variety of booths relating to programs and available services will enable each participant to personalize their evening.


“There’s a common misperception that college is only for students who are coming directly out of high school, and that simply is not the case” said Admissions Director Carrie Greer. “In the Office of Admissions, we firmly believe that it’s never too late to go to college! Come Back to School Night is an opportunity to showcase all that we have to offer adult learners as they begin their journey into higher education.”


For more information about the Come Back to School Night, visit the Jefferson College website at or call Jess Bartlett in the College’s Admissions Department at (636) 481-3245.