Effie Mae French

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of our mother, Effie Mae French, of Perryville who left us on May 31, 2024 at the age of 81.


She touched the lives of all who knew her with strength and kindness.


She was a wonderful mother who was always there when we needed her the most; offering support, wisdom and love in abundance.


Effie Mae was a beloved member of her community who loved turtles, humming birds, house plants, and her weekly quilting circle.


Effie Mae began her career at AT&T as a key punch operator.


Once married, she became a devoted wife, full time homemaker and mother.


She later returned to work as the office manager at Parker’s Lake Realty.


Effie Mae was born in Gatewood, MO to Avon Cates Sr. and Arlene (Hensley) Cates who preceded her in death.


She was also preceded in death by her husband, Lewis W. French Jr. and her siblings Eugene, Avon Jr., and Tina Cates. She is survived by her brother, Ernest Cates, and sister Elaine Villegas.

Effie Mae will be greatly missed by her daughters, Effie Lee French and Kim Hetrick, as well as her son-in-law, two grandsons, and many nieces and nephews.


A celebration of life will be held at a later date.


Donations to honor the life of Effie Mae may be made to the American Heart Association.