Chester High School recognizes 26 new ‘Distinguished YellowJackets’ for 2024

2nd Annual event is deemed huge success in recognizing students that make a difference at CHS


By Jim Beers

CHESTER – With the huge success of last year’s “Distinguished YellowJacket” program at Chester High School, Principal, Jeremy Blechle and CHS teachers and staff brought back the very popular and meaningful program for a second year in 2024.



Chester High School Principal, Jeremy Blechle, welcomes guests to the 2nd Annual “Distinguished YellowJacket event Monday April 15 at CHS Colbert Gymnasium. Jim Beers Photo


Blechle inaugurated the program in the spring of 2023 with 28 students being honored. The 2nd Annual class of honorees included 26 students with popularity of the event growing both among students as well as parents and staff.


The “Distinguished YellowJacket” program was brought to CHS by Blechle from his one-year at Columbia High School where he served as Assistant Principal from 2021-2022.  He was greatly impressed with the program that recognizes students that are deemed to have made a very positive impact on teachers and staff.


All Chester High School faculty and staff were eligible to nominate one student for the honor of being recognized as a “Distinguished YellowJacket”. 


Teachers, staff, administrators, cooks, social workers, school counselors, nurses, janitors, aides, and any other employees were encouraged to make “one” nomination of a student who made a positive impact in the classroom or around the school.



Student nominees await to be recognized as a “Distinguished YellowJacket” at the 2024 CHS Distinguished YellowJacket Ceremony Monday April 15. This was the 2nd Annual event held at CHS to recognize students who have made a positive impact at CHS. Jim Beers Photo


Blechle opened the event, which took place at Chester High School’s Colbert Memorial Gymnasium on Monday April 15, by giving a friendly welcome to those in attendance and explaining how the event got started and the criteria for being nominated.



Pictured are Chester High School staff members who nominated the 26 new inductees for the 2nd Annual “Distinguished YellowJackets” program. The staff members made the nominations of 1 student at CHS that has made a positive impact at school or in the classroom. Each nominee received recognition as well as a medal for his or her contributions to making CHS a more positive place for both staff and fellow peers. Staff members who made the nominations had to read a 1-page nomination letter at the ceremony describing why they nominated the respective student for the honor. Staff member’s also received a medal for their efforts. Jim Beers Photo.


Blechle thanked the parents and guardians in attendance for their positive influence on their students and noted that they were going to hear a story about their students that they might not have heard before as the presentations were being made by the nominating staff members.


Blechle stated, “The students being recognized tonight have demonstrated strength, positivity, leadership, and have made a positive impact at CHS. Last year we recognized 28 students that were inducted into the prestigious 1st class of ‘Distinguished YellowJackets’. This year we will induct 26 new students.”



Chester High School student, Anarosa Ruiz-Huerta, poses for a photo with CHS Social Science teacher Mrs. Clendenin who nominated her for the 2024 “Distinguished YellowJacket” award. Jim Beers Photo


Blechle further briefly described the criteria for being accepted into the program.


Those criteria include:


Each staff member is allowed to nominate “one” student.


Nominees must to be a student that has made a positive impact in the classroom or school.


All students, freshmen through seniors, are eligible to be nominated for the honor.


Nominations are kept anonymous with no one knowing who was nominated until the night of the ceremony. 


Staff members making the nomination must submit a 1-page letter describing WHY the student is being nominated.


Students accepted for the honor, along with their parents, are notified that they will be receiving the recognition, but are not informed WHO made the nomination or WHY it was made until the presentation ceremony.


Staff members making the nomination must read the nomination letter “LIVE” at the ceremony as they introduce the honoree.


Each honoree receives a medal following his or her induction at the ceremony and “official” photos are taken of the student and his or her staff member that made the nomination. (Students ware encouraged to wear their medals to school the following day).


Students are only allowed to receive the honor one time during their career at Chester High School.


Students and staff were informed that the event is a “formal” affair and that formal attire is required the night of the event.



Rylie McDonough, a Chester High School 2024 “Distinguished YellowJacket” , poses for a photo with CHS Science Teacher Brittany Mueller following the ceremony. Mueller nominated Rylie for the honor. Jim Beers Photo


As guests arrived at Colbert Gymnasium they were given an official program booklet and offered cookies and a beverage.


Following Principal Blechle’s welcome, the official presentation of “Distinguished YellowJackets” began as staff members came forward to introduce their nominees. Nominees joined their nominating staff member at the podium either during or immediately following the reading of the nomination letter.


Following the reading of the letter, nominees were donned with a “Distinguished YellowJacket” medal by his or her presenter. Presenters also received a medal. The two then proceeded to the official balloon arch for a photo.



Chester High School student Chase Gilbert, a 2024 “Distinguished YellowJacket” honoree, poses for a photo following his induction. With Gilbert is CHS Math Teacher Dwight Lochhead. Lochhead nominated Chase for the honor. Jim Beers Photo


2024 “Distinguished YellowJackets” and their nominating staff members are as follow:



Following the presentations of the 2024 Chester High School “Distinguished YellowJackets”, Principal Blechle asked for a final round of applause for the class of 26 inductees and praised them for being recognized as students who have made a positive impact at CHS.


Blechle said, “I am very proud of these 26 students. I am impressed with their contributions to our school and I am certain that they are going to go out after high school and change the world.”


“These 26 students have been chosen from our 340 students at CHS as having made a positive impact at CHS. Our school is much better with their positive influences. Life is much better with their contributions and they help make the lives of their peers much better.”


Blechle then reminded everyone to enjoy some refreshments of punch, cookies and water on their way out and invited parents to come down to Rocky Bridges Court to take photos at the balloon arch with their “Distinguished YellowJackets.”


In closing, Mr. Blechle thanked everyone for attending the event and noted that he has plans to continue the “Distinguished YellowJacket” program in the future and possibly even make it even more formal to include a catered dinner in an air-conditioned environment.


The 2nd Annual “Distinguished YellowJacket” event was certainly a very memorable occasion that was most successful in accomplishing the goal of honoring all “Distinguished YellowJackets” for their notable qualities and extraordinary character.