Attorney General Bailey challenge to Biden’s latest illegal student loan plan

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – On Thursday, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced a lawsuit against the President’s latest illegal loan “cancellation” plan and issued the following statement:

“I’m extremely pleased to see Kansas is leading a multi-state coalition in challenging President Biden’s latest attempt to unlawfully transfer hundreds of thousands of dollars in Ivy League debt onto working Missouri families. I’m pleased to share that my office is also leading a multi-state coalition and will be filing suit in Missouri in the coming days. Between our two coalitions of states, we will get this matter in front of a judge even more quickly to deliver a win for the American people. The Supreme Court sided with Missouri on this matter the first time. I look forward to bringing home yet another win for the Constitution and the rule of law.”

“Arkansas was part of the original coalition that sued the Biden administration over its first unlawful debt-cancellation plan. President Biden has already lost on this question once, and he is refusing to follow the law. The Supreme Court could not have been clearer: President Biden cannot unilaterally cancel student debt and force taxpayers to bear the multi-billion-dollar cost,” added Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin.
The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of Attorney General Bailey’s previous challenge to the Biden Administration’s unilateral and unlawful wealth transfer of hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan debt. In a 6-3 decision, the Court struck down Biden’s repayment plan as unconstitutional, citing the massive $430 billion-plus impact on the federal budget without express authority from Congress. The Court held that Missouri’s student loan servicing company, MOHELA, was an arm of Missouri’s state government, and therefore, granted the states standing to challenge the student loan plan.