Abortion Action Missouri releases endorsements for Missouri’s statewide officers

SAINT LOUIS, Mo.– On Thursday, March 28th, 2024, Abortion Action Missouri released its slate of endorsed candidates for statewide offices. Lawmakers and activists across the state are stepping up to fight for reproductive freedom and rebuild abortion access in Missouri.

Said Abortion Action Missouri Executive Director Mallory Schwarz, “When filing closed, the choice was clear between politicians who would continue to chisel away at the rights of everyday Missourians and those who would work to expand them. Today we are proud to recognize a slate of four candidates ready to lead our state into a future of abortion access and reproductive freedom for all.” Abortion Action Missouri’s endorsements are as follows;

Rep. Crystal Quade, Governor
Rep. Richard Brown, Lt. Governor
Rep. Barbara Pfifer, Secretary of State
Elad Gross, Attorney General

House Minority Leader and Candidate for Governor, Rep. Crystal Quade (D-Springfield), said “As Missourians across the state continue working to take back our reproductive freedom, I’m beyond proud to be endorsed by Abortion Action Missouri. They’ve been leaders on the front line during a critical time in our state and they know the importance of putting a pro-choice champion who has been doing the work in the Governor’s Mansion.”

Schwarz added, “Crystal’s combined lived and leadership experience makes her uniquely qualified for Missouri’s top job. Missourians deserve a leader that shares their values and fights for their rights.”

Said endorsed candidate for Lt. Governor, State Representative Richard Brown (D-Kansas City), “2024 is the year that Missourians will have their say and repeal the nation’s most restrictive abortion law. Restrictions on abortion interfere with the right to bodily autonomy, which is at the core of basic human rights to equality and privacy.” Schwarz said, “It’s time for a Lieutenant Governor that shows up for Missourians and our families, and Richard Brown shows up proudly!”

“Every office has a role to play in this fight, but this past year has underlined how critical it is to have leadership in the Secretary of State’s office that is on the side of the people, rather than one only concerned with their own political power,” Schwarz said of Representative Barbara Phifer (D-Kirkwood)’s run for Missouri Secretary of State. “True inclusion includes a fundamental right to bodily autonomy,” commented Phifer .

Endorsed candidate Elad Gross said, “As Attorney General, I will protect our civil liberties, and I will prioritize prosecuting people who commit crimes, not doctors and parents accessing health care.” Schwarz added, “Missouri’s present and past Attorneys General have targeted abortion rights for their own political gain, at the expense of Missourians’ health and lives. Missourians deserve an Attorney General who will fight for them– not against them.”