St. Mary Board of Aldermen meeting minutes released

ST. MARY – The minutes of the Thursday, March 14, meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen have been released.


A video of the meeting is available at:



Board of Aldermen Meeting

Thursday, March 14th, 2024

6:00 p.m.


  1. Be it Remembered: A regular meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen was called to order by the Honorable Mayor Carlton Wyatt on Thursday, March 14th, 2024 beginning at 6:00 PM at City Hall located at 782 3rd Street, St. Mary, Missouri 63673.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


  1. Roll Call: Aldermen answering the roll call were Alderman Brenda Thompson, Alderman Kathy Bergmann (absent), Alderman Dr. Zen Duda and Alderman Annette Hacker.


  1. Agenda: A motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to approve the agenda. Alderman Dr. Zen Duda seconded the motion. Alderman Brenda Thompson, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda and Alderman Annette Hacker voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried. 


  1. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to approve the Consent Agenda which consists of the following: Minutes from Previous Meeting, Treasurers Report, Collectors Report and Bills Paid and City Clerk to pay previously appropriated expenses as they come due as allowed by the budget. Alderman Brenda Thompson seconded the motion. Alderman Brenda Thompson, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda and Alderman Annette Hacker voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried. 


  1. Public Forum:


County Commissioner: Mark Marberry signed up to speak. He brought with him Sandra Cabot from the Department of Economic Development. He is still trying to find things out for a grant for the sewer.


Sandra is from Ste Genevieve County. Sandra stated that she works with communities on their economic development and growth plans.


Sandra stated that we need to sit down and talk about what we our needs are. She stated that it seems that the Block grant will be the way to go.


Under the Block grant there is four different types of categories under the Block grant. She is willing to help us with piecing things together. Honorable Mayor Carlton Wyatt stated that Charlie Ray is engineer.


Charlie Ray has tried to get us grants but has struck out on them. He has got us grants before. Charlie Ray can give you a lot of input on what he has done with the sewer. He has tried to get us a grant for gravity feed but struck out on that.


Charlie Ray will be more than willing to talk to them. Mark stated that he will reach out to Charlie Ray. Mayor Carlton Wyatt stated that we can set up a meeting to go into further details. Sandra asked if it has been having specific problems.


Alderman Annette Hacker stated that the grinders are so out dated. Dr. Zen Duda stated that it is creating secondary problems because we have to keep the grinders pumped down and causing environmental issues. Our primary concern is the municipal infrastructure.


Mayor Carlton Wyatt asked it Sandra would like to set up a meeting and talk to Charlie Ray. Sandra stated that they would like to do both.  The Board of Alderman thanked Sandra and Mark for being at the meeting.   










  1. Department Reports:


  1. Emergency Management – Director April Grindstaff had nothing to report.


  1. Police Department – Police Chief Brendon Corbett was absent for the meeting. Alderman Dr Zen Duda stated that it is windy. He noticed that he had a neighbor burning toxic waste. He called the Officer Corbett and didn’t get an answer for several hours. When he did get a response back from the Officer Corbett was headed out of town and that he would take a look into it the next day. Dr. Duda stated that the person in question was a formal alderman and objective to the police not taking care of the speeding up and down 4th street. He is disappointed how the police officer is handling things. Frankie Ullman stated that he had the right to call the fire department and they could go and put it out. Frankie stated that he has guys around to go put out fires while he is at his full-time job. Mayor Carlton Wyatt asked Dr Zen Duda if he knew what he was burning. Dr. Zen Duda stated that he did not know for specifically what he was burning but it had a foul smell and odor. Frankie also stated that people have to right to call 911 for the fire department to come and investigate it.


  1. Fire Department – Alderman Kathy Bergmann was absent for the meeting. Fire Chief Frankie Ullman. reported that they had 6 calls last month. 4 medic calls and 1 mutual Aide and 1 brush call. He stated that the meeting room is coming along great, got the ceiling up and cam lights in. They are at a standstill. The outside door they are having an issue with and the a/c unit to come out. They are going to get at quote for an mini sled to have a/c and heat for the meetings. They have put in several hours on the weekends to get the meeting room. They are waiting back to hear from a grant that they have applied for.


  1. Street Department – Alderman Dr. Zenon Duda reported that Dennis is doing a great job. He is filling in ditches with rock and trimmed down the sides of the roads. Dr Zenon Duda stated that Dennis is really easy to work with.


  1. Water / Wastewater Department – Alderman Annette Hacker gave the floor to Frankie Ullman. He stated that he had to replace water meter. Samples have been coming back good. Frankie said that he has to lower the water levels on a water tower to replace the cork stop. You may notice having lower water pressure at the time he lowers the water level. On the waste water side of things, the rotor has been replaced and is working great. We are going to have to start taking the sewer samples down to Jackson because they are not getting there on time through the mail. The new grinders have come in and will hopefully be getting installed next week depending on the weather. He had to replace a contactor at the duplex of Marion Cliff. The contactor was burnt.


  1. Park / Cemetery / Animal Control – Alderman Brenda Thompson reported that Dennis noticed there was vandalism at the park. Dennis noticed that the slide was knocked over. We might have to put up a Keep out sign at the park if things keep getting vandalized. At the cemetery we have noticed that in the older part there are several headstones that are falling over. For animal control she had nothing to report.


  1. Citizens Participation – Connie Pritchard stood up to speak. She stats that she has been keeping track of her water bill she wants to know why it keeps jumping around. She states that she has no leaks anywhere. Frankie states that she just had her meter tested last year and it came back 98% effective. If the meter is not working it will read slower but not faster. Frankie states that a toilet could be running, the main shut off valve outside to the house could not be shutting off all the way. Connie states that she will pay the $75.00 to get her meter tested again.


Maria Scherer stood up to speak she stated that she had a few issues the first issue she had was the answering machine in the police department did not have a recording on it. Another issue she stated she had was the fluctuation of her water bill also and that she did not have any leaks either. The last issue she has was that the ditch by her house needs to be cleaned out because when it rains the water gets into her yard.  


  1. Regular Session Adjournment: There being no further business before the board, a motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to adjourn at 7:13 p.m. Alderman Brenda Thompson seconded the motion.  All the aldermen voted yea on a voice vote.  Meeting adjourned.