ALTENBURG – The Best Little Fair in the Land is pleased to announce the schedule for the 2023 edition of the event which will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 22 and 23 in Altenburg.
The addition of local rising stars to the entertainment lineup last year was very popular. Ian Ferguson, Carlly Green, and Logan Chapman are returning and will be joined by Clint Sattler to provide the music for Saturday afternoon from Noon until 4:30 pm. Dustin Bishop will be on stage at 4:00 pm on Friday followed the Burnt Mill Boys at 7:00 pm. The final group to perform will be Generation on Saturday at 7:00 pm.
The 4X4 Truck Pull will take to the track on 7:00 pm on Friday and on Saturday the starting time has been moved forward to 6:00 pm for the Tractor Pull which will feature the Illinois Hot Farm Stock Pullers for their third appearance at the fair. The always popular “world championship” Mule Jumping Competition will begin at 3:30 pm on Saturday this year. The age-old custom of awarding attendance prizes will return at 6:00 pm on Saturday after a brief absence.
Most of the livestock judging and shows remain the same except for the 4-H and FFA Market Lamb and Goat Show which has been moved to 9:30 am on Friday to better meet the busy schedules of the youth that participate in this show.
The East Perry Community Fair continues its small-town country fair traditions with free parking, free admission, and free entertainment along with some great fair food and great hospitality. Follow the event on Facebook for more information.