Civil War group plans re-enactment

STE. GENEVIEVE – The local Civil War group will have a camp set up on the courthouse lawn on 3rd street on August 26th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


Visitors can search the camps listing of Ste Genevieve Civil War veterans to see if their ancestors served.

The camp will also include several Civil War displays and members of the camp will be available to discuss the Civil War in Ste. Genevieve County and the daily life of a Civil War soldier.


A reenactment of Federal troops taking over the Ste. Genevieve courthouse will begin at 11 a.m and will last about 45 minutes.


The event is free to the public and handicap accessible.


So bring a lawn chair down to 3trd street and enjoy a bit of Ste. Genevieve’s Civil War history.