Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission approves requests

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission approved all four requests for certificates of appropriateness which were presented to it at a special meeting held Monday, June 12.


The commission approved a wire fence in the front yard and western side yard at 399 Roberts Street. The applicant requested chain link, but Commissioner Bill Hart suggested wire loop wire fencing would be more time appropriate and the applicant agreed to the change. The request was approved 5-0.


The commission approved a mural to be painted on east side of the building at 305 Merchant Street by a 5-0 vote.


The commission approved a request to remove the porch enclosure additions on the rear of the structure at 220 Merchant Street on a 5-0 vote.


The commission approved a request to remove and reconstruct a side porch to match the original in form and detail on the structure at 220 Merchant Street on a 5-0 vote.


The meeting is available for viewing on the SteGenTV You Tube Channel at


The minutes of the meeting: