Ste. Genevieve County Health Department releases board of trustees meeting minutes

STE. GENEVIEVE – The minutes of the


Ste, Genevieve County Health Department

Public Meeting of Board of Trustees

Minutes of March 28, 2023


1.​Call to order for regular session:​A regular session of the Sainte Genevieve County Health Department was called to order by Robert Bach on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 4:00 PM at the Sainte Genevieve County Health Department located at 115 Basler Drive, Sainte Genevieve, MO 63670.


2.​Roll call:​Board members answering the roll call were Robert Bach, Dr. Matthew Bosner, and Carl Kinsky, constituting a quorum. Jennifer Mueller, health department administrator, was also present. James Brochtrup arrived shortly after the meeting commenced.


3.​Approval of agenda:​Dr. Bosner moved to approve the agenda, with the motion seconded by Mr. Kinsky. The motion passed unanimously.


4.​Consent agenda:​Dr. Bosner moved to approve the consent agenda, consisting of minutes of the previous meeting, financial statements, and transactions by account. The motion was seconded by Carl Kinsky, and passed unanimously.


5.​Director’s report:​The Director’s report included the following:

​Covid cases:​There were 40 covid cases for March to date.

​Flu cases:​There was 1 A flu reported for March to date.

​New nurse:​The newly hired health department nurse, Ashley Viox, accepted the offer of employment and has started coming into the health department.

​Education and training:​Education regarding healthy eating has been provided at daycare centers. Classes on CPR, AED, and first aid for daycare providers have also been provided, with a larger class scheduled for April 1, 2023. Arthritis classes have been held at the health department and Arbors, Parkwood and the Ste. Genevieve Care center. Blood pressure screenings and covid boosters have been provided for those interested.


6.​CD Purchase:​​After discussion, Mr. Brochtrup moved to purchase a $500,000 certificate of deposit at an interest rate of 4.75% from Bloomsdale Bank. The motion was seconded by Dr. Bosner, and passed unanimously.


7.​New Business:

​​Administrative Manual Revisions, Sections 4 through 5:​​After ​discussion, on motion by Mr. Brochtrup, seconded by Dr. Bosner, the Board voted ​unanimously to approve proposed revisions to Sections 4 through 5 of the administrative ​manual.


​​Removal of item from inventory (Helmer refrigerator):​Ms. Mueller ​​discussed the need to remove from inventory the Helmer refrigerator (Item 1001), a new ​refrigerator being purchased through a grant. On motion of Dr. Bosner, seconded by Mr. ​Brochtrup, the removal of the Helmer refrigerator passed unanimously.

8.​Public Forum:​No member of the public being present, no public forum was held.

9.​Next scheduled meeting:​The next scheduled regular board meeting is April 25, 2023 at 4:00 PM. Officers will be elected at the meeting and newly elected board members will be sworn in.


10.​Adjournment:​Dr. Bosner made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Brochtrup, which passed unanimously. Mr. Bach adjourned the meeting at 5:10 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Carl Kinsky, Secretary