Memorial Hospital offers enrichment program series

CHESTER – Memorial Hospital is offering a new enrichment program series from the University of Illinois Extension’s Family Life Programs.


These monthly scheduled programs, open to all adults, will be light, uplifting, and cover a variety of topics from finding the value of humor, clearing the clutter, finding your get up and go, and focusing on moments that matter in life.


Masks are required.


Join us for our September Program: Stories from Your Past, A Legacy for the Future


We live in an amazing technological age. Historical information is recorded almost before it happens.


Yet, ironically, many adults and children know very little about their own family history. Family mobility, geographical distance, and hurried lifestyles provide limited opportunities for younger and older generations to engage in family storytelling, an activity that used to be a natural occurrence in the daily lives of most families.


This workshop helps participants understand the history of storytelling and helps them explore ways to preserve individual and family stories for future generations.


Register online at:


Monday, September 19 10:30 a.m. or 6 p.m. in the Conference Room