52nd Annual Patriotic Ceremony on Kaskaskia Island is outstanding

By Jim Beers, Contributing Writer

KASKASKIA, Ill. — Monday July 4th, 2022 was a beautiful day with bright sunny skies, for the most part, however, by noon on Kaskaskia Island, Illinois, God sent an occasional cloud now-and-then, to provide some respite from the glare and heat from the sun.

Guests at the 52nd Annual Patriotic Ceremony on Kaskaskia Island sit in a circle coinciding with tree shade availability Monday July 4th.  A good crowd attended the event and gave rave reviews of the events of the day in spite of the heat and humidity.  Jim Beers Photo

Temperatures were in the 90’s and the humidity was high, but hundreds of patriotic citizens from the area traveled to the Island to help celebrate freedom and enjoy the 52nd Annual Patriotic Ceremony. 

This year’s crowd was smart, however, and found shade under the trees that surround the area where the actual ceremony takes place.  The configuration formed a huge circle around the grounds of the Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception at Kaskaskia and most people survived the major impact of the heat, humidity and sun.  An occasional Island breeze didn’t hurt anything either.

Approximately two hours prior to the start of the 2022 Ceremony, the people of Kaskaskia Island served freshly grilled hot dogs, pulled pork, BBQ pork nachos and cheese, chips, baked goods and beverages to hungry attendees.

At 12:30 p.m. the Chester Municipal Band performed a pre-ceremony 30-minute concert of patriotic music under the direction of Mr. Steve Colonel.

The actual Patriotic Ceremony, lovingly titled, “LET FREEDOM RING”, began at 1:00 p.m. Nate Brown, son of the late Barbara Brown, welcomed everyone to the event and asked them to please stand for the Presentation of the Colors.

The Colors were presented by a combined Color Guard made up of members of the Chester VFW POST 3553 and American Legion Post 487 in Chester. The Pledge of Allegiance was then led by the Chester Boy Scouts.

Steve Colonel was the Guest Vocalist for the day and sang the Nations National Anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner”, accompanied by the Chester Municipal Band. Melanie Johnson, Randolph County Clerk, directed the Band as Mr. Colonel was leading the singing.


Pastor Jim Oppedal, Pastor at the First United Methodist Church in Chester, was the clergy on hand at the 52nd Annual Patriotic Ceremony on Kaskaskia Island Monday July 4th.  Oppedal gave the opening Invocation and the closing Benediction at the event. He served as an officer in the United States Air Force prior to becoming a Local Pastor in the First United Methodist Church, thus making him a prime candidate to provide excellent services for both aspects of the 2022 ceremony.  Jim Beers Photo

Pastor Jim Oppedal of the First United Methodist Church of Chester provided a beautiful Invocation to bless the Ceremony and those in attendance.  Immediately following the Invocation, “Those that came before” were remembered as the Chester Municipal played, “ASHOKAN FAREWELL”.

Tom Welge, son of the late Don Welge, then welcomed the crowd to the Island for the event and introduced Captain Don Martin, Commander of the French Marines, Les Companie Franche de La Marine, de Fort de Chartres.

Don Martin, representing the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) welcomes guests to the 2022 Patriotic Ceremony on Kaskaskia Island Monday July 4th.  Martin is the Commander of the French Marines de Fort de Chartres and led the unit throughout the day.  Jim Beers Photo

Martin, who was representing the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), literally brought a laugh and a smile to everyone’s face as he said, “I welcome everyone to today’s ceremony.  That’s really all I have to say today!” With that, Martin left the stage.

Emily Lyons, Randolph County Historian and former resident of Kaskaskia Island, gives a “Kaskaskia Welcome” along with an update of numerous improvements and happenings on the Island.  Lyons is a long-time committee member and organizer of the “Let Freedom Ring” patriotic ceremony.  Jim Beers Photo

Emily Lyons, Randolph County Historian and former resident of Kaskaskia Island, made up for Martin’s brevity, however, as she provided a very detailed Kaskaskia Island update with descriptions of improvements made on the Island and to the grounds of the Church. Lyons is well known for her keen knowledge of both the Island and all of the happenings related to it and those who live there.

The Chester Municipal Band performed a 30-minute pre-ceremony concert of patriotic music Monday July 4th at the 52 Annual Patriotic Ceremony on Kaskaskia Island.  In additional the band played an additional six songs during the ceremony including the “National Anthem”, “Ashokan Farewell”, “Illinois”, “Armed Forces Medley”, “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, and God Bless America”.  Muni Band Director Steve Colonel also served as the Guest Soloist for the day singing three of the six songs. Jim Beers

The Chester Municipal Band followed Lyon’s presentation with a performance of the State of Illinois theme song, “ILLINOIS”, directed by Steve Colonel, after which Tony West, Commander of the Chester VFW Post 3553, and Randy Werner, Commander of the American Legion Post 487 in Chester, were recognized and thanked for their organization’s consistent contributions to the event.

Next on the agenda was a most-popular activity which recognized members and former members of our nation’s military organizations.  Active and veteran members of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard were asked to stand and be recognized as the Chester Municipal Band played, “ARMED FORCES MEDLEY”.

This tune features the theme songs from each of these branches of the United States Armed Forces.  As the respective theme songs were featured, members of those branches were asked to stand and salute as the audience very graciously and thankfully clapped and cheered in appreciation.  This is always a favorite part of all patriotic events!

At this point in the program, time was given to the Mayors of both Perryville and Chester for the provision of brief “remarks”, as both Perryville and Chester are cities close to the event.

Mayor Larry Riney of Perryville, who is the newly elected Mayor of Perryville, thanked event organizers for the invitation and admitted that 2022 was his first time attending the Patriotic Ceremony.  He praised the efforts put into the creation and continued sponsoring of the event and demonstrated his admiration for the results of their efforts.

Mayor Tom Page of Chester was unable to attend the event due to previously-scheduled 4th of July commitments.  Page sent Chester City Alderman, JD Maes in his stead. 

Maes, who is known for being a good public speaker who is not afraid to take charge of the microphone, provided several well-thought comments related to the real meaning of Independence Day and provided many patriotic perspectives as they relate to current happenings in America. 

Immediately following the conclusion of Alderman Maes’ remarks, Soloist Steve Colonel sang, “BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC” as accompanied by the Chester Municipal Band, under the direction of Melanie Johnson.

Nate Brown then introduced the 2022 Patriotic Ceremony Guest Speaker, David K. Overstreet.  Overstreet is a Supreme Court Justice, Fifth District.  Brown described Overstreet as being a “Most Honest” Judge.

The title of Judge Overstreet’s presentation was, “The Better Angles of Our Nature”.  Judge Overstreet currently serves on the Illinois Judicial Conference and is Vice-Chair of the Public Relations Task Force.

Guest Speaker, David K. Overstreet, Supreme Court Justice, Fifth District, wows the crowd at the 52nd Annual Patriotic Ceremony on Kaskaskia Island Monday July 4th, 2022.  The title of his presentation was, “The Better Angels of Our Nature”. Overstreet and his wife Suzanne and their three children hail from Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Jim Beers Photo

In addition to his official duties, Overstreet is a youth camp counselor at Little Egypt Youth Camp and assists with Boy Scout Troop 103. He also is a board member of Lifeboat Alliance, serves as a Deacon of the Mt. Vernon Church of Christ, and is a member of the Mt. Vernon Rotary. Judge Overstreet and his wife, Suzanne, have three children.

The combined Firing Squad of VFW Post 3553 and American Legion Post 487 members in Chester conduct a 21-Gun Salute to honor fallen soldiers.  The event was the 2022 Patriotic Ceremony on Kaskaskia Island July 4th, 2022.      Jim Beers Photo

Mitchell Colonel plays “TAPS” during the ceremony honoring “Fallen Soldiers” at the 52nd Annual Patriotic Ceremony on Kaskaskia Island Monday July 4th, 2022.  Colonel is a May of 2022 graduate of the University of Illinois in Springfield, Illinois and has been a well-known staple trumpet player in the area throughout his high school and college careers. Jim Beers Photo

The combined VFW and American Legion Firing Squad were next on the program as they Saluted Fallen Soldiers with a 21-Gun Salute after which Mitchell Colonel, a May graduate of the University of Illinois in Springfield, played “TAPS”.

While everyone was still standing, the Stanley & Mary Hurst Family, from Kaskaskia Island, had the honor of ringing the Church Bells in the Annual “Bells Ring for Liberty” ceremony.

Dignitaries sit in front of the crowd on the makeshift stage at the 52nd Annual Patriotic Ceremony held on Kaskaskia Island. (Left to right): David K. Overstreet, Guest Speaker; Emily Lyons, Randolph County Historian; JD Maes, Alderman Chester, Illinois; Tom Welge, Co-Master of Ceremonies; Nate Brown (hidden) Co-Master of Ceremonies; Larry Riney, Mayor of Perryville, Missouri; and Jim Oppedal, Pastor, First United Methodist Church in Chester.  Not pictured: Don Martin, IDNR. Jim Beers Photo

With bells still slightly ringing, the French Marines de Fort de Chartres fired their muskets in their always very popular “Let Freedom Ring” ceremony.  Commander Don Martin led the very stirring ceremony.

The French Marines Les Companie Franche de La Marine, de Fort Chartres fire their muskets in a ceremony titled, “Let Freedom Ring” at the 2022 Patriotic Ceremony Monday July 4th on Kaskaskia Island.  The Marines are under the command of Captain Don Martin.  Jim Beers Photo 

The French Marines are devoted to the re-enactment of the history of the French and Indian War period.  Their Company of Marines is made up of individuals from Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.  Their official wool uniforms and period clothing and accessories are quite impressive each year during patriotic programs of all sorts in the area.

To close the musical portion of the 2022 Patriotic Ceremony, Guest soloist, Steve Colonel, sang “God Bless America”.  He was accompanied by the Chester Municipal Band, directed by Melanie Johnson. All in attendance were asked to stand and join in the singing.

Pastor Jim Oppedal of the First United Methodist Church in Chester closed the ceremonial portion of the program with a stirring Benediction after which the combined VFW/American Legion Color Guard “Retired the Colors” for the day.