CGS 1st-4th grade Christmas Programs beam with spirit

By Jim Beers, Contributing Writer

   CHESTER — The Chester Grade School 1st through 4th grade students were featured Thursday December 9 in two separate performances to add their take on the 2021 Christmas season.  The 1st and 2nd graders performed at 6:00 p.m. while the 3rd and 4rth graders took the stage at 7:00 p.m.

In a normal year the entire 1st through 4th grade group would have performed in one large concert, however with Covid social distancing and current concerns  with the possibility of spreading infections, it was decided to split the large group in half and have two separate concerts, 1st and second at 6:00 p.m. and 3rd and 4th at 7:00 p.m.

Originally Sue Colonel, CGS Music Teacher, had planned to have a strictly virtual concert with all grade levels being filmed and streamed on the internet.  Just days prior to the concert, it was decided to go live, but to split the group into two performances.

The event was also scheduled to be performed at Chester High School where there was a lot more room and seating to allow for adequate social distancing.  Masks were also strongly encouraged.

The programs were under the direction of Sue Colonel, CGS Music Director, with both CD and live accompaniment. Vicky Beers played piano for the live portion of accompaniment. Principal, Bill Grafton and Assistant Principal, Tim Blair on hand for administrative support.

First Graders perform a song titled, “Trepak Scarves” which featured them using colored scarves to enhance the performance.  Jim Beers Photo

The 1st and 2nd grades kicked off with the tune, “Christmas Makes Me Sing”, performed by the 2nd graders.  The 1st graders followed with the crowd favorite, “S-A-N-T-A”. Next, both grade levels combined to sing two songs, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” and “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth.”

First graders performed a lively tune titled, “Christmas Hokey Pokey” after which second graders performed, “Jingle Bell Dance”.  Both were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience.  Next up Grade 1 sang, “Trepak Scarves” and Grade 2 sang, “Platecracker”. 

2nd Graders use plates to perform one of their solo songs, “Platecracker” at the 2021 CGS 1st and 2nd Grade Christmas Program.  Jim Beers Photo

To close out the show, the entire group of 1st and 2nd Graders said farewell by singing, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”. Mrs. Colonel was very pleased with the young vocalists and said they did a very good job.

First Grade teachers who assisted in managing the cast included Rachel Marshall, Priscilla Martinez, Madison Mileur, and Jessica Whiteside.  Second Grade teachers included Alisa Herrell, Kasi Jany, and Amanda Middendorf. 

Other staff members included Lynne Gonzalez and Adrienne Klump.  Para-Professionals included Jennifer Schroeder and Michelle Kelkhoff.

The second half of the evening’s performances began at 7:00 p.m. with the 3rd and 4th Graders leading the packed house with the singing of the National Anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner”.

Grade 3 was then featured as they sang, “Santa Claus Rock”.  The 4th Graders followed with a feature number titled, “Everlasting Fruitcake”.  A combined group of the entire 3rd and 4th Grades then ramped up the Christmas spirit as they joined forces to sing, “Frosty the Snowman”.  It was a real crowd-pleaser. 

A very entertaining performance of “Jingle Bell Rock Body Percussion” followed as the 4th graders sang and played percussion using their bodies as a percussion instrument.  This was a great demonstration of how Mrs. Colonel used a very different style of music to motivate the students and entertain the crowd of enthusiastic parents. 

The 3rd Graders then demonstrated how they too could use their bodies as a percussion instrument as they sang, “We Wish You A Merry Christmas Body Percussion”.  This was also thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd on hand to experience the concert.

The combined group of students then sang, “Holly Jolly Christmas” which is a wekk known and widely liked Christmas song. 

4th Graders bounce tennis balls to add a bit of percussion to their 2021 CGS 3rd and 4th Grade Christmas Program.  The name of the song is, “Wizards In Winter Tennis Balls”.  Jim Beers Photo

As the show drew to a close, the 4th Graders wowed the crowd with another very cute, tricky song titled, “Wizards in Winter Tennis Balls”.  In this entertaining piece the entire group of students bounced tennis balls to the music to add some pretty tasty percussion to the song.

3rd Graders use plastic cups in the song, “Sleigh Ride Plastic Cups” at their 2021 Christmas Program.  Jim Beers Photo

Not to be outdone, the 3rd Graders used plastic cups to accompany themselves as they sang, “Sleigh Ride Cups”. 

The program came to a very traditional close as the entire group of third and fourth grade classes sang, “Feliz Navidad” as a group.  The large crowd was impressed with the talent and showmanship of the students as they performed some really good sounding music to help get Christmas spirit flowing.

Pictured are Melody Coloney, Page Turner and Assistant to Mrs. Colonel; Sue Colonel, CGS Music Director; and Vicky Beers, Accompanist, at the completion of the CGS 1st through 4th Grade Christmas Program.  Jim Beers Photo


3rd Grade teachers included Rebecca Gielow, Stephanie Kennedy, and Mandy Lochhead. 4th Grade teachers included Stephanie Jany, Margaret Schnoeker, and Sarah Surman.  Other teachers included Adrienne Klump and Rachel Francis.  Para-Professionals included Amy Ahlenius, Gina Hafertepe, and Rosealee Weinhoffer.