Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission meeting minutes released

STE. GENEVIEVE – The draft minutes of the May 20 meeting of the Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission have been released:


Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission

Casey Benner, Mark Buchheit, Thomas Hooper, Whitney Tucker, Bill Hart

May 20, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes


Call to Order at 6:01 pm


Roll Call: Commissioners Casey Benner, Mark Buchheit, Whitney Tucker, Tom Hooper, and Aldermanic Liaison Patrick Fahey were present at roll call. Additionally, Asst. City Administrator David Bova was present. Commissioner Bill Hart was absent.


Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Buchheit made a Motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion, which passed 4-0-1.


Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Tucker made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 15, 2024 meeting as presented. Commissioner Buchheit seconded the motion, which passed 4-0-1.


Introduction of Evidence: Mr. Bova asked that the Commission approve the entry into the record of the Ste. Genevieve Municipal Code and the Design Guidelines for the Sainte Genevieve National Register Historic District along with the staff reports and related material presented to them.


Commissioner Buchheit made a Motion to accept the evidence into the record. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hooper and passed 4-0-1.


Old Business: None


New Business:


• SGHC019-24 To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a 6’ wooden fence along the eastern side yard at 164 Jefferson. Applicant and property owner Vance Borage was not in attendance.


Mr. Bova discussed the application and answered some questions from the commission. Commissioner Buchheit made a Motion to Approve the request as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tucker and passed 4-0-1.


• SGHC021-24. To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to install solar panels on the front and rear of the roof at 505 Memorial.


A representative of the applicant, Solera Energy LLC, was present and discussed the application. Mr. Bova stated that he had denied the initial request from the applicant due to the historic district guidelines regarding roof-mount solar panels and mechanical equipment but the applicant wished to go ahead with their application and present to the commission.


Commissioner Buchheit stated that roof mount panels on the rear of the roof and ground-mount would be strongly considered. The applicant stated that their examination of the sun exposure to the rear roof and rear yard would not be sufficient for panel installation due to the amount of tree shade; he also stated that the trees are in neighboring yards and cannot be cut down.


Alderman Fahey asked if any exceptions have been made in the past and Mr. Bova stated that there have not been exceptions and the guidelines regarding rooftop devices have been firmly followed.


There was more discussion regarding the visual impact to the roof of this contributing structure and the negative impacts the solar panels would have. The applicant stated that the Missouri legislature passed a law in 2022 stipulating that regulations prohibiting the installation of solar panels were illegal (however these “regulations” apply to deed restrictions, covenants or similar agreements running with the land and specifically address HOA rules, not municipal historic preservation ordinances). Mr. Bova stated he was aware of the statute and Commissioner Buchheit stated that solar panels are not prohibited in the historic district. Commissioner Hooper reiterated that solar panels would be allowed on the rear roof and in the rear yard.


Commissioner Hooper made a Motion to Deny the request as presented based on guidelines H.16 and P.6. Commissioner Buchheit seconded the motion, which passed 4-0-1.


• SGHC020.24. To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to extend the roof along the front and combine two garage door openings to create one new larger opening on the garage structure located at 419 Jefferson.


Mr. Ernie Kovac, contractor for the applicant, appeared on behalf of the applicant and answered some questions from the commission. Commissioner Buchheit asked why the 3rd single door was proposed to be walled in and Mr. Kovac stated that was the applicant’s request; Commissioner Buchheit stated he did not believe that was in keeping with the guideline to maintain the existing pattern of contributing buildings. Commissioner Hooper asked if the roofline was to be changed significantly; Mr. Kovac and Commissioner Buchheit explained that the proposal was to add on a 4’ overhang across the front of the building, leave the existing structure roofline and utilize the same type corrugated metal to cover the new roof extension. Mr. Kovak stated that all materials used would match the existing in type and design, including the false board and batten exterior. There was some further discussion regarding the proposed garage door; the only option presented in the evidence was a faux wood appearance Cardinal overhead door.


Commissioner Buchheit made a Motion to approve the application with the amendment that the single garage door opening on the east side of the garage remain and not be walled in. Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion which passed 4-0-1.


• SGHC024-24. To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to remove the east section and add a man door on the renovated east side on the garage structure located at 419 Jefferson. Mr. Ernie Kovac appeared for the applicant to discuss this application also. Commissioner Buchheit and Commissioner Hooper stated that removal of this part of the structure was not consistent with the historic preservation of contributing structures. Mr. Kovak asked if the eastern section was kept in place, could the window awnings be removed. Commissioner Buchheit stated that he believed they were time appropriate and should remain.


Commissioner Buchheit made a Motion to Deny the application based on guideline P.12. Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion which passed 4-0-1.


Administrative Approvals:


• SGHC017-24 Certificate of Appropriateness & Attestation – 499 Market


• SGHC022-24 Certificate of Appropriateness – 272 Merchant


• SGHC023-24 Certificate of Appropriateness – 299 Merchant


• SGHC025-24 Certificate of Appropriateness – 299 S Main


• Attestation as to Material Replacement – 233 Merchant


• Attestation as to Material Replacement – 176 N 2nd Other Business:


• Mr. Bova informed the commission that he had communicated with the applicants of two previous COAs (SGHC011-24 & SGHC001-21) regarding the work that was approved versus the work that was completed.


SGHC011-24 was completed in compliance with what was approved.


SGHC001-21 was primarily completed in compliance with what was approved however the contractor encountered structural issues with the rear doorway and installed a French door instead of a single steel door. There was no further discussion.


Public Comments:


Meeting Adjourned:


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


David Bova, Assistant City Administrator