Missouri farmers benefit from Biden executive orders during 2021 harvest and holiday season

Missouri Democratic Party

    MONROE COUNTY – Missouri family farmers are seeing better prices, more investment and attention from Washington D.C. since President Biden took office earlier this year. One of his first waves of executive orders addressed the agriculture failures of the 45th president.


Wes Shoemyer of Monroe County, a fourth generation, active family farmer saw improvement almost immediately after the orders were signed and saw even more gains this past harvest. With the holiday season in full swing, Missouri farmers and the Missouri Democratic Party ask consumers to take a closer look before grabbing the first product off the grocery store shelf.


“Every choice we make makes a difference and if you go into a store, the consumer should educate themselves to see who owns it. There are opportunities to buy beef and pork produced by local farmers that do it right. The truth is, that kind of food is better for people, it’s better for a community, and it’s just all-around better for this country. It’s food security,” said Shoemyer.


Shoemyer dives into the disastrous policies of the Trump administration including USA labeling, ethanol exemptions and increasing control of loophole-protected corporate farms in this video and how President Biden has fixed it and continues to “buck the corporate system” in support of local farmers.