Planning and Zoning releases draft minutes of May 2 meeting

STE GENEVIEVE — The Ste Genevieve Planning and Zoning Commission. Has released the draft minutes of May 2 meeting



May 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

Gary Roth, Chairman

Anthony Grass Carl Kinsky Justin Donovan Junie Ewing Kathleen Waltz Gerald Bauman Alderman Joe Prince

Call to Order at 6:00 pm by Chairman Gary Roth


Roll Call: Commissioners Gary Roth, Carl Kinsky, Anthony Grass, Justin Donovan, June Ewing, and Alderman Joe Prince were present at roll call. Administrator David Bova was also present.

Commissioners Gerald Bauman and Kathy Waltz were absent.


Approval of the Agenda: Alderman Prince made a Motion to Approve the agenda as presented; Commissioner Grass seconded the motion, which passed 6-0-2.


Approval of the Minutes: Commissioner Donovan made a Motion to Approve the minutes of the March 7, 2024 meeting as presented; Alderman Prince seconded the motion, which passed 6-0-2.


Introduction of Evidence:


Mr. Bova presented the Ste. Genevieve Municipal Code, the Ste. Genevieve Comprehensive Plan, and the Staff Report and supporting documents for the request.


Alderman Prince made a Motion to Approve the acceptance of the evidence as presented; Commissioner Grass seconded the motion, which passed 6-0-2.


Old Business:


Mr. Bova informed the commission that the new comprehensive plan being drafted should be finalized in June or July and that he will be reaching out to them for possible final review once the steering committee had reviewed the final draft.


New Business:


SUP004-24. Dan Carver is requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a financial services office in an R-1 Single-Family Residential District at 658 Rozier Street. Applicant, Mr. Dan Carver appeared before the commission to present his application; he explained the specifics of his application and also presented several letters of support from surrounding property owners.


Commissioner Roth asked if there had been any opposition expressed; Mr. Bova stated he had not received any opposition.


Commissioner Donovan asked for some clarification on determining special uses that aren’t delineated in municipal code and Mr. Bova explained that the commission can approve this use even though it is not listed in code subject to the provisions in municipal code.


Commissioner Kinsky asked the applicant if he planned on expanding and the applicant stated he did not; he only plans to open the office 1-2 days per week.


Commissioner Kinsky also inquired if the applicant would want to install a sign and Mr. Carver stated he would prefer that and described the sign;


Mr. Bova presented the commissioners with information and a photo of the proposed sign.


Mr. Carver also explained that he only meets with one customer at a time so there would never be more than 2 or 3 vehicles at a time at the office; he also stated that the driveway is long enough to provide parking for that amount of vehicles so no street parking would be necessary.


Commissioner Ewing asked if the house at this address could be zoned commercial; Mr. Bova stated that spot zoning such as that is not allowed; he also informed the commission that the homes across the street are in a commercial zone as well as the businesses at the end of the street on both sides, however the homes in between are zoned R-1.


Mr. Carver stated he had inquired about re-zoning but did not wish to ask the other homeowners on the east side of Rozier to re-zone.


There was additional discussion regarding the proximity of these Rozier Street residences to commercial zones and other subdivisions with similar situations where commercial zones border residential zones.


Alderman Prince asked if this potential use would be allowed if the applicant lived in the house; Mr. Bova stated that it would be allowed (it would be a home-based business then). Commissioner Ewing stated she was concerned that they were setting a precedent and asked commissioner Kinsky his opinion.


Commissioner Kinsky explained that his own personal business had to go through the special use process because it’s a commercial use in a residential zone, but the special use permit protects the neighborhood because it is for his use only and doesn’t allow other commercial uses; the special use permit does not transfer to future owners either.


Commissioner Roth stated that he believes they are not setting precedent because this applicant has significant neighbor support and no opposition.


Commissioner Kinsky stated that a similar special use had been granted before for firearms sales out of a house in an R-1 zone;


Alderman Prince pointed out that the difference there is that the applicant lived in the house.


Alderman Prince suggested that the special use permit could possibly be reviewed in a year if approved.


Mrs. Melinda Roth (who currently owns the property in question) spoke in favor of the special use permit.


Commissioner Donovan asked about the potential sign being proposed and if that was allowed. Mr.


Bova stated that it was allowed with a special use permit and suggested that if the commission wishes to approve this special use that the specific sign being proposed be included in the permit as one of the conditions along with some other conditions regarding off-street parking, business license, solid waste disposal, property maintenance, and the annual review if desired.


Commissioner Donovan asked if the applicant was proposing a lighted sign and Mr. Carver stated that it would not be lit.


Commissioner Donovan also asked about the potential for customers to visit the business (since a sign may be present) and no one be there; Mr. Carver replied that in 17 years, he rarely has anyone visit the business except by appointment; appointment only is his business model.


Alderman Prince made a Motion to Recommend Approval of the Special Use Permit with the conditions discussed earlier to the Board of Aldermen which was seconded by Commissioner Kinsky and passed 5-1-2 with Commissioner Ewing voting against the motion.


Adjournment: There being no further business, Alderman Prince made a Motion to Adjourn. Commissioner Grass seconded the motion which passed 6-0-2, and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:28 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,


David Bova,

Assistant City Administrator