St. Mary Board of Aldermen meeting minutes released

ST. MARY – The minutes of the Thursday, December 9, 2021 meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen meeting have been released.

A video of the meeting is available at:



Board of Aldermen Meeting

Thursday, December 9th, 2021

6:00 PM


  1. Be it Remembered: A regular meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen was called to order by the Honorable Mayor Carl Wyatt on Thursday, December 9th, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM at City Hall located at 782 3rd Street, St. Mary, Missouri 63673.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


  1. Roll Call: Aldermen answering the roll call were Alderman Ron Barnett, Alderman Karl Schultz, Alderman Dr Zen Duda (arrived 6:10 p.m.) and Alderman Annette Hacker.


  1. Agenda: A motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to approve the agenda. Alderman Ron Barnett seconded the motion. Alderman Ron Barnett, Alderman Karl Schultz and Alderman Annette Hacker voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried. 


  1. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to approve the Consent Agenda which consists of the following: Minutes from Previous Meeting, Treasurers Report, Collectors Report and Bills Paid and City Manager to pay previously appropriated expenses as they come due as allowed by the budget. Alderman Karl Schultz seconded the motion. Alderman Ron Barnett, Alderman Karl Schultz and Alderman Annette Hacker voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried. 


  1. Public Hearing: Nobody showed up.








Mayor Carl Wyatt asked the Board of Aldermen if anyone would sponsor putting wastewater rates on next month’s agenda. Alderman Annette Hacker made a motion to place the wastewater rates on next month’s agenda. Alderman Karl Schultz seconded the motion. Alderman Ron Barnett, Alderman Karl Schultz and Alderman Annette Hacker voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried. 


  1. Department Reports:


  1. Emergency Management: – Director David Woods reminded everyone that the electronics recycling event at the recycling center is this Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to noon.


  1. Police Department – The Honorable Mayor Carl Wyatt gave the floor to Police Chief Adam Bequette who reported three burglaries, three property damages, two peace disturbances, one arrest, one ordinance disposal, five trespassing and one utility tampering.


  1. Fire Department – Alderman Annette Hacker gave the floor to Fire Chief Frankie Ullman. Ullman reported one fire alarm and one new firefighter. Shuh had worked on the heater and replaced the thermal coupler. He is waiting on word from the conservation grant and another one he had applied for.  The trucks are all running and the dryer is being put on truck 7842.  The gun raffle is almost complete with just three tickets remaining.


  1. Street Department – Alderman Ron Barnett reported that the bobcat needed three hoses and a new battery to finish a job. The truck is back from the shop and ready for winter.


  1. Water / Wastewater Department – Alderman Karl Schultz reported there was a water leak under the road on 4th Street. The 2” meter has been pulled from the antique mall and will kept in case they ever reopen. The water tower will be inspected next year to comply with DNR. He had a water leak due to the tornado and the sewer portion will be adjusted because it did not going into the sewer system.


  1. Park / Cemetery / Animal Control – Police Chief Bequette that four cats were relocated to Ste. Genevieve and the park is closed because vehicles are doing donuts and destroying the landscape. Mayor Wyatt had two complaints about dogs running at large and trying to get through screen doors to get to a neighbors cat.


  1. Citizens Participation – Frank Gerardot was recognized and spoke about utility rates. He said the city is spending too much and needs to cut expenditures instead of raising rates. He did say that the closure of Sabreliner had hurt the city’s water income. 


  1. Regular Session Adjournment: There being no further business before the board, a motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to adjourn at 6:28 p.m. Alderman Ron Barnett seconded the motion.  All the aldermen voted yea on a voice vote.  Meeting adjourned.                                                                                           __________________________________


