Survey: Teacher shortages persist in Illinois with disparities, many solutions showing progress

(Part one of two parts)



SPRINGFIELD — Seven years after its debut, Illinois’ popular and comprehensive study shows persistent teacher shortages statewide with concerning disparities across the state. Schools also are showing a variety of solutions at the local and state levels are helping them ease the strain on classroom instruction.


The Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools (IARSS), representing the leaders of Regional Offices of Education and Intermediate Service Centers in all 102 Illinois counties, again partnered with Goshen Education Consulting for a fall 2023 survey of more than 750 school districts statewide on the key questions around the depth and consequences of Illinois’ teacher shortage crisis.


IARSS leaders say these latest results show school leaders and policymakers are determined to work tirelessly and creatively to address the many causes of teacher shortages, even as some problems prove challenging to overcome. The full results are available at


“Our annual study has become a tremendous resource for educators, legislators and state officials to understand the depth of this persistent problem and the ways we all are working to make progress in solving it,” said Gary Tipsord, IARSS Executive Director.


“As we have said year after year, our shortages are the result of generations of factors that we cannot resolve immediately. But as this latest study shows, we have challenges ahead to address concerning disparities in how this problem is affecting our schools and many dedicated people who devote effort every day to addressing the problem in creative ways while providing the best education possible for every child who steps inside a classroom in Illinois.




Illinois school districts report the teacher shortage problem persists and forces schools to be more creative to address it:


More than 90 percent of schools say they have a serious or very serious teacher shortage problem

93 percent of schools say they struggle to fill substitute teacher openings


88 percent of school leaders report having fewer than five – and sometimes zero – applicants for open teaching positions


Teacher shortages are seen as most severe in special education and career technical education

School psychologists, speech-language pathologists, and nurses create the most prominent school support personnel shortages


Teacher shortages are the most severe in city districts, in vocational centers, and in more rural parts of Illinois such as west-central, southwest and east-central Illinois


73 percent of school leaders say half or less of their teacher candidates have the proper credentials for the position they are seeking




Each year, the IARSS-Goshen survey asks school leaders to provide detailed insight into the educator shortages they are experiencing, how their shortages are impacting the education they provide their students, and the various ways they are pursuing solutions to adjust to their reality and prepare for a better tomorrow.


The latest results reveal while there are broader trends that all schools are seeing, there are many differences across districts for both the problems and effective solutions. For example, nearly 70 percent of all schools report serious or very serious problems with shortages, but that number drops to as little as 20 percent of schools in some more affluent counties.


The leading causes of teacher shortages vary greatly across the state. Collectively, schools report they mostly see shortages from employee burnout and increased responsibilities, with teachers leaving for better pay in another career. Their open positions are often from resignations by educators to teach at other districts or resignations for a different profession – underscoring the competitive nature of school districts all grappling with similar shortage challenges.


School leaders report a number of solutions are helping improve educator recruitment and retention:


Improved working conditions


Placing student teachers in their districts


Supporting paraprofessional support staff to go through proper licensing through financial support


Offering additional pay or benefits to keep educators


At the state level, school leaders report teacher shortage issues have eased by changes from the Illinois State Board of Education and state legislators such as increasing the number of days retired educators and substitute teachers can be in classrooms, and providing additional state funding that allowed them to hire more help. They recommend improving pensions, providing more loan forgiveness, and supporting teacher prep candidates in chronic shortage areas as new ways policymakers can further relieve the shortage stresses.


Looking back at previous IARSS shortage studies, the reported severity of teacher shortages overall is steady from 2023, but still increased from what was reported in 2018. Schools are filling positions with alternative licensing and other measures much more frequently now.




Each year, IARSS and its survey partners re-evaluate the major challenges still driving the shortage crisis and how best to address it – both in the short term and for the long run. Some policy recommendations in the 2023-2024 include:


Continue to increase state funding for K-12 schools


Release more data more quickly on the evolving educator pipeline to drive strong policy decisions and help school hiring managers find good teaching candidates


Invest in teacher and school leadership


Help create new opportunities for school support staff to become classroom teachers


Focus on acute shortage needs with mentoring and administrative support, and financial incentives


IARSS 2023-2024 teacher shortage survey results overview



91 percent of districts report problems with teacher shortages

73 percent of districts report less than 50 percent of teacher applicants have proper credentials for the position they are seeking

52 percent of districts report employee burnout for working conditions is a major or significant factor for teacher shortages



84 percent of school leaders surveyed indicated they have a serious or very serious problem with teacher shortages

The shortage perception ranges greatly across the state – 20 percent in some counties, up to 100 percent in others

56 percent of school leaders say half or less of their teacher candidates have the proper credentials for the position they are seeking

88 percent of school leaders say they received none or very few (under five) applicants for their open teaching positions

Leading causes of teacher shortages:

54 percent: employee burnout from working conditions

49 percent: better compensation in another profession

48 percent: increased responsibilities

40 percent: limited number of applicants due to district urbanicity

39 percent: better compensation in a neighboring Illinois district

32 percent: limited number of applicants due to district size

Leading causes of teacher open positions:

42 percent: resignations to move districts

26 percent: resignations for a different profession

23 percent: retirement

20 percent: new, permanent positions

18 percent: changed a staff assignment

15 percent: medical leave

23 percent of school leaders reported no unmet need for teachers in 2023-2024 school year. For the remaining 77 percent, leading solutions for unfilled teacher positions were:

348 schools: hired a substitute with a substitute license

287 schools: hired a substitute on a short-term license

261 schools: hired a retiree

224 schools: assigned extra duty to existing employee

151 schools: combined classes

136 schools: increased class sizes

32 percent of school leaders say they did not hire anyone not fully credentialed. For the rest, 381 (56 percent) hired on a short-term approval and 187 (28 percent) hired on a temporary license



79 percent of school leaders surveyed indicated they have a serious or very serious problem with school support personnel shortages

The shortage perception ranges greatly across the state – 17 percent in some counties, up to 100 percent in others

59 percent of school leaders say half or less of their school support personnel candidates have the proper credentials for the position they are seeking

94 percent of school leaders say they received none or very few (under five) applicants for their open school support personnel positions

Leading causes of school support personnel shortages:

59 percent: better compensation in another profession

50 percent: better compensation in a neighboring Illinois district

47 percent: employee burnout from working conditions

45 percent: increased responsibilities

41 percent: limited number of applicants due to district urbanicity

37 percent: limited number of applicants due to district size

35 percent: better compensation at a district in a nearby state

Leading causes of school support personnel open positions:

40 percent: resignations to move districts

31 percent: resignations for a different profession

23 percent: new, permanent positions

16 percent: retirement

15 percent: new, temporary positions

14 percent: medical leave

39 percent of school leaders say they had no unmet need for school support personnel. For the remaining 61 percent, leading solutions for school support personnel openings were:

205 schools: outsourced using a third-party vendor

188 schools: assigned extra duty to existing employee

150 schools: hired a retiree

141 schools: shared school support personnel within grade spans

119 schools: shared school support personnel with no distinction

128 schools hired short-term approval credentials for employees to fill school support personnel – 447 schools hired no one not fully credentialed



81 percent of school leaders surveyed indicated they have a serious or very serious problem with special educator shortages

The shortage perception ranges greatly across the state – 20 percent in some counties, up to 100 percent in others

58 percent of school leaders say half or less of their special educator candidates have the proper credentials for the position they are seeking

85 percent of school leaders say they received none or very few (under five) applicants for their open special educator positions

Leading causes of special educator shortages:

56 percent: employee burnout from working conditions

52 percent: increased responsibilities

46 percent: better compensation in a neighboring Illinois district

40 percent: better compensation in another profession

39 percent: limited number of applicants due to district urbanicity

36 percent: limited number of applicants due to district size

Leading causes of special educator open positions:

42 percent: resignations to move districts

25 percent: new, permanent positions

20 percent: changed a staff assignment to meet student needs

18 percent: resignations for a different profession

18 percent: changed a staff assignment to fill crucial role

16 percent: retirement

44 percent of school leaders reported no unmet need for special educators in 2023-2024 school year. For the remaining 56 percent, leading solutions for unfilled special educator positions were:

179 schools: assigned extra duty to existing employee

175 schools: hired a substitute with a substitute license

148 schools: hired a substitute on a short-term license

146 schools: combined classes

144 schools: increased class sizes

131 schools: hired a retiree

195 schools say they used short-term approval credentials to fill special educator positions, and another 87 schools used temporary licensure. 372 schools say they did not hire anyone not fully credentialed



38 percent of school leaders surveyed indicated they have a serious or very serious problem with administrator shortages

The shortage perception ranges greatly across the state – 6 percent in some counties, up to 100 percent in others

28 percent of school leaders say half or less of their administrator candidates have the proper credentials for the position they are seeking

45 percent of school leaders say they received none or very few (under five) applicants for their open administrator positions

Leading causes of administrator shortages:

42 percent: employee burnout from working conditions

41 percent: increased responsibilities

37 percent: better compensation in a neighboring Illinois district

29 percent: better compensation in another profession

27 percent: limited number of applicants due to district urbanicity

25 percent: limited number of applicants due to district size

25 percent: better compensation at a district in a nearby state

Leading causes of administrator open positions:

28 percent: resignations to move districts

16 percent: promotions

15 percent: retirement

13 percent: resignations for a different profession

12 percent: new, permanent positions

87 percent of school leaders reported no unmet need for administrators in 2023-2024 school year. For the remaining 13 percent, leading solutions for unfilled administrator positions were:

44 schools: hired a retiree

23 schools: distributed additional admin duties among teachers

23 schools: hired a teacher earning admin endorsement



83 percent of school leaders surveyed indicated they have a serious or very serious problem with paraprofessional shortages

The shortage perception ranges greatly across the state – 14 percent in some counties, up to 100 percent in others

17 percent of school leaders say half or less of their paraprofessional candidates have the proper credentials for the position they are seeking

75 percent of school leaders say they received none or very few (under five) applicants for their open paraprofessional positions

Leading causes of paraprofessional shortages:

65 percent: better compensation in another profession

41 percent: employee burnout from working conditions

41 percent: better compensation in a neighboring Illinois district

39 percent: increased responsibilities

32 percent: limited number of applicants due to district urbanicity

30 percent: limited number of applicants due to district size

64 percent of school leaders (405 schools) say they did not hire anyone not fully credentialed. For the rest, 209 hired on a short-term approval



93 percent of school leaders surveyed indicated they have a serious or very serious problem with substitute shortages

The shortage perception ranges greatly across the state – 33 percent in some counties, up to 100 percent in others

78 percent of school leaders say half or less of their substitute candidates have the proper credentials for the position they are seeking

35 percent of school leaders say they received none or very few (under five) applicants for their open substitute positions

Leading causes of substitute shortages:

46 percent: limited number of applicants due to district urbanicity

41 percent: limited number of applicants due to district size



73 percent of responding school leaders say they had problems finding bus drivers

60 percent say custodial/maintenance staff are hard to find

43 percent say food service workers are hard to find



The survey asked school leaders about a number of solutions they are finding to improve educator recruitment/retention. The highest levels of success came from:

Actively working to improve working conditions to improve educator retention

Proactively working to place student teachers in the district

Supporting paras in completing required for PEL by providing financial resources

Offering additional compensation or benefits to retain staff

Actively working to increase leadership capacity to improve educator retention


The survey asked school leaders about actions taken at the state level (ISBE and the Legislature) to improve teacher recruitment/retention. The highest-rated changes include:

Increasing the number of days retired educators can sub without impacting their retirement status

Increasing the number of days a substitute can sub up to 120 days

Providing EBF that allowed the district to add additional staff

Waived passing of the teacher performance assessment for issuance of PEL


The survey asked school leaders about actions that could be taken at the state level (ISBE and the Legislature) to improve teacher recruitment/retention. The highest-rated changes include:

Modifying the teacher pension tier system

Providing additional loan forgiveness for more educators

Providing financial support to teacher prep candidates teach in chronic shortage areas

Investigating salary parity with other professions with the same licensure and education

Offer additional scholarships to teaching candidates



761 of 965 school districts responded (78.8 percent)

Overall teacher shortage ratings steady – 3.4 like 2023, up from 3.0 in 2018 but down from 3.6 in 2022

Number of teacher positions filled by alternative measures up significantly in 2024 – 3,233, versus 1,271 in 2023, previous high was 1,996 in 2018

Administrator shortage steady – 2.1, down from 2.2 in 2023, 1.2 in 2018

Substitute shortage steady – 4.1, same as 2023, 4.0 in 2018

All teacher shortage areas most significant in special education and CTE, followed by middle school/high school, then elementary

School psychologists, speech-language pathologists, social workers, and nurses lead school support personnel shortages

Teacher shortages most severe in city districts, in vocational centers, in west-central, southwest and east-central Illinois

Most problems with finding qualified applicants seen in rural districts, in vocational centers, and in west-central, southwest and southeast Illinois