Illinois celebrates Human Rights Week

CHICAGO – The Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) and the Illinois Human Rights Commission (IHRC) Wednesday launched their 2023 Human Rights Week campaign. The campaign was developed to celebrate the 75th anniversary of International Human Rights Day. This day highlights one of the world’s most groundbreaking global pledges: the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a landmark document that famously begins with the statement, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”


In Illinois, the Illinois Human Rights Act has followed and, in many cases surpassed, federal and international law over the last forty-three years. The Act provides robust protections against discrimination in public accommodations, as well as employment, housing, financial credit, and sexual harassment in education.

“The Illinois Human Rights Act is a beacon of hope for those who are facing discrimination or sexual harassment,” said IDHR Director Jim Bennett. “Under the Act, people whose rights have been violated have a path to justice, and IDHR remains committed to ensuring this process is fair, free, and accessible to everyone living, working, or visiting our great state.”

“The Act exists to protect all vulnerable communities, and it is our obligation to not only empower individuals to demand the respect and dignity they deserve, but also help employers, small business owners, and housing providers learn about their responsibilities under the law so they can do the right thing,” said IHRC Chair Mona Noriega.