Draft recovery plan for grotto sculpin open for public comment

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released its draft plan to save the cave-dwelling grotto sculpin which is found only in five cave systems in Perry County, Mo.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said it is opening a 60-day public comment period.


Officials with the USFWS stated that saving this species will depend on cooperation among private, local, state and federal partners.


The public is invited to provide comment on the draft plan through January 29, 2024.



 Photo of grotto sculpin courtesy of Justin M. Elden/Saint Louis Zoo.


The grotto sculpin is a small fish, measuring less than five inches long. This species is found in just five cave systems in Perry County, Missouri. These fish complete a seasonal migration from underground streams to surface streams in the area. Typical of many cave-dwelling species, it is nearly blind and pale-colored. Since the species has such a small range, population-scale fish kills are of particular concern and can occur when contaminants from the surface wash into the cave streams that the grotto sculpin call home.


Listed as endangered in 2013, the most substantial threats to grotto sculpin come from present or threatened destruction, modification or curtailment of its habitat, including water quality degradation.


A USFWS official stated in a news release the draft recovery plan focuses on protecting the species and enhancing their habitat by managing human access to cave systems, managing surface habitat around the caves and monitoring water quality. The plan also focuses on protecting and enhancing habitat around sinkholes and learning more about the threats to the species.


“We are proud to work with Perry County to protect this ecosystem that is home to remarkable cave species like the grotto sculpin,” the USFWS official said. “Partnerships have been critical in preventing species decline and provide a solid foundation for recovery actions. Because these fish are sensitive to water quality, the presence of grotto sculpin within the cave systems is a sign that water entering from aboveground is being properly managed for contaminants and is likely to positively impact not only on other cave-dwelling species but also Perry County residents that rely on streams in the area for recreation, business purposes and household use.”


The official concluded: Recovery planning is one step in a process to address threats to endangered and threatened species. Plans provide a road map for private, Tribal, federal and state cooperation in conserving listed species and their ecosystems. While a recovery plan provides guidance on how best to help listed species achieve recovery, it is not a regulatory document. You are invited to provide input as the plan is developed and once a recovery plan is finalized, recovery partners will outline specific actions to carry out the plan.


Notice of Availability of the Draft Recovery Plan for the Grotto Sculpin (Cottus specus)

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the availability of our draft recovery plan for
the grotto sculpin, a fish species listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
The grotto sculpin is a cave adapted fish endemic to five cave systems in Perry County,

Section 4(f) of the ESA requires us to provide public notice and an opportunity for the public to
review and comment during recovery plan development. Additionally, we seek comments from
Federal, Tribal, State, and local governments. We are particularly interested in additional
information regarding the current threats to the species, ongoing beneficial management efforts,
and the costs associated with implementing the recommended recovery actions. We will consider
all information presented during the public comment period. Comments may or may not result
in changes to the recovery plan; comments regarding recovery plan implementation will be
forwarded as appropriate to Federal or other entities so that they can be taken into account during
implementation of recovery actions.

Dates: To ensure consideration, we must receive written comments on or before January 29,
2024. However, we will accept information about any species at any time.

Reviewing document: You may obtain a copy of the draft recovery plan by any one of the
following methods:

  • Internet: Download a copy at https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/1009.
    • U.S. mail: Send a request to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Missouri Ecological Services
    Field Office, 101 Park DeVille Drive, Suite A, Columbia, MO 65203.
    • Telephone: 573-540-3835.

Submitting comments: Submit your comments on the draft document in writing by any one of
the following methods:
• U.S. mail: Vona Kuczynska, at the above U.S. mail address; or
• Email: vona_kuczynska@fws.gov.

Public Availability of Comments: All comments received, including names, addresses, phone
numbers, email addresses or other personal identifying information, will become part of the
decision record and will be available to the public. If you submit a hardcopy comment that
includes personal identifying information, you may request at the top of your document that we
withhold this information from public review. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so. Comments and materials we receive will be available, by appointment, for public
inspection during normal business hours at our office.

For Further Information, please contact: Vona Kuczynska, at the above address, via phone at
573-540-3835, or by email at vona_kuczynska@fws.gov.