St. Vincent Catholic Schools hold annual Veterans Day Program


PERRYVILLE – St. Vincent Cathbolic School students and local Veterans attended 8 a.m. mass followed later in the day by a Veterans Day Assembly honoring Veterans near and far.


Diane Untereinner honored the Veterans in a beautiful way, speaking about her own experience of having a son who is serving and currently deployed in the United States Marine Corps.


Jim Eddleman was the keynote speaker and shared the amazing origination story of bringing the actual size replica of the Veterans Memorial Wall to Perry County along with the future plans for the grounds.


Liza Koesterer, United States Army, shared her story and gave a heartfelt message to students and many thanks to our Veterans.


Father Joseph Geders gave a blessing over all our Veterans and those currently serving in our US Military.


We were honored to sit in the presence of these Veterans and so so thankful for all Veterans across our nation!



More photos on the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Schools Facebook page: