STE. GENEVIEVE – The minutes of Monday’s meeting of the Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission have been released.
October 16, 2023
Regular Meeting Minutes
Call to Order at 6:00 pm
Roll Call: Commissioners Casey Benner, Mark Buchheit, & Tom Hooper were present at roll call; Commissioner Bill Hart attended via Zoom. Commissioner Whitney Tucker was absent. Additionally, Asst. City Administrator David Bova was present.
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Buchheit made a Motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Commissioner Hooper seconded the motion, which passed 4-0-1.
Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Buchheit made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 18, 2023 meeting as presented. Commissioner Hooper seconded the motion, which passed 4-0-1.
Introduction of Evidence: Mr. Bova asked that the Commission approve the entry into the record of the Ste. Genevieve Municipal Code and the Design Guidelines for the Sainte Genevieve National Register Historic District along with the staff reports and related material presented to them. Commissioner Hart made a Motion to accept the evidence into the record. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Buchheit and passed 4-0-1.
Old Business:
Mr. Bova gave an update on the 2021 HPF grant, the historic preservation workshop on exterior painting. The event was held a couple of weekends ago and was well attended. We had 9 participants, many of which own homes or work on homes within the historic district. There were many questions asked and answered regarding wood exteriors and how to carry out a 15–20-year paint job. Bob Yapp, our instructor, was very knowledgeable and enjoyed his time in Ste. Genevieve and looks forward to returning. Hopefully we can host another workshop with him in the future.
New Business:
• SGHC001-24 To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to renovate the
structure, including 1) installing vinyl windows, 2) adding a gable roof over the
garage, 3) extending the rear addition the full width of the house, and 4) replacing the aluminum siding with vinyl siding at 263 Jefferson. Applicant, Brad Fisher was present, and discussed his application. He also answered some questions from the commission. Mr. Fisher stated that the existing siding on the structure is vinyl, not aluminum as is listed on the Nat’l Register. The commission discussed a preference for keeping the wooden windows and suggested methods of obtaining improved energy efficiency by adding or replacing storm windows. Mr. Fisher asked if the windows on the new addition in the rear could be vinyl and the commission agreed the new rear windows could be any material as long as the fenestration matches the old windows. Commissioner Hart made a Motion to Approve the application to allow adding a gabled roof over the garage, allow the extension of the rear addition the full width of the house, allow new vinyl siding to replace the existing vinyl siding, & amend the vinyl window request to preserve the wooden windows on the front and sides and allow replacement windows on the rear & new addition, keeping the existing window profiles, which was seconded by Commissioner Buchheit and passed 4-0-1.
• SGHC002-24. To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a 6’ wooden privacy fence in the rear yard at 495 Jefferson. The applicant nor the contractor were present. Mr. Bova presented and discussed the application. He also answered some questions from the commission regarding any neighboring fences and the height of the fence near the sidewalk. Commissioner Buchheit made a Motion to Approve the application as submitted, which was seconded by Commissioner Hooper and passed 4-0-1.
• SGHC003-24. To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a pole sign at 165 S 4th. City Administrator, Happy Welch, was present and discussed the City’s application; he provided a drawing from the remodel of the City Hall entrance that showed the initial plans for a pole sign. The commission asked about the shape of the sign and Mr. Welch stated it would be oblong as presented in the application rather than the shape in the entry remodel drawing.
Commissioner Hooper made a Motion to Approve the application as presented which was seconded by Commissioner Buchheit and passed 4-0-1.
Administrative Approvals:
• Attestation as to Material Replacement – 74 Seraphin
• Attestation as to Material Replacement – 188 N Main Public Comments: None
Meeting Adjourned: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:28 pm.