Ste. Genevieve Elks Lodge Donates to SG R-II

STE. GENEVIEVE – Recently, the Ste. Genevieve Elks Lodge No. 2674 made three generous donations to Ste. Genevieve County R-II School District: $500 for the Backpacks for Friday program and $250 for each elementary school to purchase books for their reading programming.



Sonya Thurman-Hahn and Makenzie Beckham of the Ste. Genevieve Elks Lodge present a check to Ste. Genevieve County R-II School District Assistant Superintendent Dr. Lance McClard.

The Backpacks for Friday program is an initiative that provides basic food staples to 50 needy families.


“Our district partners with the Southeast Missouri Food Bank to organize the program, which is funded through donations from community organizations, local businesses and residents. These donations are a vital contribution, as these partnerships assist us in the fight against hunger here in our community. Funds are raised a year in advance. For the 2022-2023 school year, one backpack is equal to $350. This provides one student with 36 weeks of healthy, nutritious food to take home,” a news release stated.

The books will be used in literary programs at both elementary schools, including the book vending machine at Bloomsdale Elementary, and in the Student of the Month program at Ste. Genevieve Elementary.


“Our schools would like to thank the Elks Lodge for its continual support of our schools!”