Official statement of the Missouri Gaming Association on behalf of the Missouri casino industry

LAKE ST. LOUIS, Mo. – On Wednesday, the Missouri Gaming Association filed an appeal in response to Tuesday’s ruling in the case against Torch Electronics to fight illegal gaming machines in Missouri. Below is an official statement of the organization. 


“Torch Electronics is an illegal competitor and its illegal gaming devices are harming our members. Torch’s illegal gaming devices take money away from Veterans, local cities and education in the form of lost tax revenue and admission fees, and this needs to be stopped. The Missouri Gaming Association filed an appeal today as we believe that the trial court erred because we have a right to bring an action to stop illegal competitors. We look forward to the decision being reversed, to trying our case and stopping Torch’s illegal competition.



The Missouri Gaming Association (MGA) is the statewide trade association of the Missouri casino entertainment industry. Founded in 1993, the Missouri Gaming Association works to promote responsible gaming and increase awareness of the economic benefits of casinos in Missouri. The MGA and its casino company members sponsor year-round responsible gaming programs including the 1-888-BETSOFF crisis line and referral service, Project 21 scholarship competition, and Responsible Gaming Education Month. For more information, visit