JEFFERSON CITY—Based upon a motion filed by the Public Service Commission Staff (PSC Staff), the Missouri Public Service Commission has opened a case to review the current $0.10
per line surcharge that appears on the monthly landline telephone bills of Missourians to fund Relay Missouri.
In addition, the PSC Staff is asking the Commission to seek input about the continued need for the Relay Missouri Fund.
The Relay Missouri Fund helps pay for an equipment program and analog Relay Missouri
services so that hearing-impaired and speech-impaired consumers have reasonable access to telephone service.
According to the PSC Staff, approximately 82 percent of the Relay Missouri Fund is used to provide financial support to the equipment program.
The remaining 18% is used to support analog relay service and analog Captioned telephone service.
The PSC Staff states usage of both analog services have declined to low levels and are used by a relatively small number of consumers.
Anyone wishing to respond to the PSC Staff’s motion in Case No. TO-2024-0033 should do so no later than September 7, 2023. Comments can be submitted to the Secretary of the Missouri
Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, or by using the Commission’s Electronic Filing and Information System (EFIS) at .
The Missouri General Assembly established Relay Missouri in 1990. The surcharge level is periodically reviewed by the Commission according to the requirements established by Missouri