PERRYVILLE – Perryville’s delayed Fourth of July fireworks display will be held Sept. 3rd.
The Perryville City Administrator Brent Buerck says the decision was made at last week’s Board of Aldermen meeting.
The board approved a request from the Rotary Club of Perryville to hold the fireworks display at Perryville City Park Sunday, September 3, 2023.
Along with their annual fireworks display, the Rotary Club has received permission to invite Luna Ice to sell their wares to youth and family in the park during the festivities.
A related request from Parks and Recreation Director Cadwell to close the Perry Park Center at 5 p.m. September 3rd for the fireworks display was also approved.
Staff has traditionally requested permission to close the park center early for the fireworks display.
In other business at last week’s meeting:
The city has begun looking for a new place to hold the Mayfest Carnival.
American Legion Commander Brian Brickhaus has sent the city a written notice advising that, after 30-plus years, they were no longer interested in hosting the Mayfest carnival.
The city staff wants to discuss this matter with the board and begin working with the Chamber on alternate locations which could ultimately require additional street closures.
Buerck said the city first needs to know how many square feet the carnvial requires.
Another measure on the agenda would rename a portion of Progress Drive and Alma Avenue to Vincentian Way.
Buerck explained that the Seminary donated the land for the extension and the naming of the street extensions for the Vincentians will recognize the organization.
Finally a local individual recently requested the Board of Aldermen reconsider its 1981 ordinance prohibiting fortunetelling. Upon legal review, the city attorney has found this prohibition to be unconstitutional. Buerck said the ordinance will remain on the books, but will not be enforced.