STE GENEVIEVE —The Ste. Genevieve County Commission has released a statement on SB 190 a measure which promises property tax relief to senior citizens.
“The commission wants its constituents to be assured that they take this legislation seriously and wishes to do the right thing in this matter.
“We will continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds. Unfortunately, the amendment to the existing statute is so vaguely written as passed as to be essentially unworkable at this time and any comments or positions taken about SB190 will simply be speculative and subject to change.
“The commission has had extensive discussions with the assessor and collector offices along with attorneys and professional organizations that deal with county issues.
“As currently written, SB190 does not affect 2023 property taxes. Therefore, the commission has determined that we are unable to take action or have an official position as further clarifications will have to be undertaken by the state of Missouri before implementation.
“With the openness of this legislation, there is also the likelihood of litigation that will further complicate and modify implementation.
“For any further questions on SB190, constituents should contact their state legislator.”
The Perry County Commission has not issued a statement on SB 190 at this point, but it has been a matter of discussion.