Local students earn Central Methodist University Dean’s List honors

FAYETTE, Mo. — The office of Central Methodist University Provost Rita Gulstad announced recently the students included on the Spring 2023 Dean’s List.


Almost 900 students across all campuses and online learning met the requirements for placement, including a grade point average of 3.50 or higher for the semester.


The following local students were among those who earned recognition by the university:


Kyle Joseph Gielow – Bloomsdale

Parker Anthony Skaggs — Bloomsdale


Alec Joseph Bell — French Village


Trenton Mark Gremaud – Perryville

Alissa Michelle Oettle — Perryville


Tiffany Marie Birmingham — Ste. Genevieve

Brian Chase Dunlap — Ste. Genevieve

Devin Hattenhauer — Ste. Genevieve

Zachary James Litton — Ste. Genevieve


Since its founding in 1854, CMU has evolved into a university that confers master’s, bachelor’s and associate’s degrees through programming on its main campus in Fayette, Mo., and through extension sites and online.