Memorial Hospital presents awards

CHESTER — Memorial Hospital presented service awards individually to employees earlier this month instead of having its annual large, in-person celebration.

Brett Bollmann, CEO, presented recipients with their Service Awards.

The following employees received Service Awards:

5 Years – Pollyanna Bert, Soleil Brunkhorst, Melissa Collins, Amanda Draves, Wesleyan Fadler, Amy Mathis, Bailey McMurtry, Ryan Petrowske, Amber Smith, Julie Stern, Lori Williams, Rachel Young;

10 Years – Amy Brown, Tifanie Conway, Torrie Davitz, Jennifer Donjon, Beverly Froemling, Christine Goetz, Heather Smith, Lisa Wingerter;

15 Years – Kathy Bohnert, Apryl Bradshaw, Susan McCoy, Linda Young;

20 Years – Georgia Allen, Laura Cleiman, Kimberly Ruebke, Heather Williamson;

25 Years – Carla Fedderke;

35 Years – Jacinta Mulholland;

Carol Buckholtz

Carol Schulein

45 Years – Carol Buckholtz and Carol Schulein.

Retirees from 2021 for this year received a gift commemorating their time at Memorial. Those honored, included: Ida Harriss – 26 years, Reta Mott – 27 years, Debra Herring – 42 years, Pamela Schroeder – 28 years, Lisa Austin – 39 years.

The 2021 Israel D. Newmark Memorial Award was presented by Chief of Medical Staff, Dr. James Krieg during a Medical Staff Meeting Wednesday, November 17th.

This year’s recipient, Amy Eggemeyer, Care Coordinator Manager at Memorial Hospital, was presented with a plaque.

She has worked at Memorial for four years.

Dr. Krieg read the following words from coworkers, “This employee makes each and every patient she comes in contact with feel like family. She shows compassion by comforting patients and their loved ones during some pretty stressful and complicated situations. She has a knack for remembering the names of patient’s relatives, various appointments, patient likes/dislikes, etc. We believe it is because she genuinely cares for them. She is always professional and treats her peers with respect. Always upbeat and ready to boost morale. I have heard more compliments from our patients and families in the last couple of years since she has taken on her new role. She works extremely hard at what she does and takes pride in giving our community outstanding care during their stay. She makes sure that every detail of their care while at the hospital and when they return home are in order.”

Eggemeyer was honored to receive the award and had these words to say about her career at Memorial, “I absolutely love my job at Memorial Hospital. I work with a fun bunch of people, not only nursing staff, but other departments as well. I love working with the community. There is nothing I love more than getting a phone call asking about our swing bed program and what I can do to help get either themselves or a family member in. I have a lot of pride in our hometown hospital.”