CHESTER – The April Red Cross blood drive drive had 27 people attempt to donate with 25 being able to successfully give useable units.
That amount met the April goal 25 units completing a 100 percent Day. Each unit of blood can save up to three people.
Donna Cole of Chester donates blood at the April 12th Red Cross Blood Drive hosted by the American Legion in Chester.
With Cole is Ashley Lee, Blood Drive Supervisor. Lee is displaying one of the FREE Red Cross Blood Drive T-Shirts that were given to donors at the April drive.
Cole noted that she is a regular donor and has donated blood for many years on a regular basis.Photos by Jim Beers
Ruth Rowley of Chester volunteers at the April 12 Red Cross Blood Drive held at the American Legion in Chester. Rowley has been a loyal volunteer at the local Red Cross Blood Drives for decades and can always be counter on to have a bright cheerful face to greet and register donors. She also donates blood on her break at each drive.
The next American Legion Red Cross Blood Drive will be held Wednesday June 14 from 12:45 p.m. till 5:45 p.m. Jim Beers Photo