PCSD No. 32 releases board meeting report

PERRYVILLE – The Perry County School District No. 32 has released its report of the November 10, 2021 meeting of the board of education.

Approval of the agenda(s)

Both the October 27, 2021 special meeting and November 10, 2021 regular scheduled agendas were approved as presented to the board.

Special Board meeting—October 27, 2021:

Closed Session Vote

The board approved to conduct a closed session following the open meeting on October 27, 2021 B.O.E special meeting to discuss personnel matters.

Approval of Central Office Administration Restructuring Plan

The board voted to approve adding a position for the transition without restructuring, at this time. This position will only be added during the 2022-2023 school year. This will allow the board time to hire a potential candidate to transition into the open position created when Mr. Comstock announced his plan to retire at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

Secure Superintendent Search Services

The board approved to secure the superintendent search services provided by MSBA to begin immediately.

Personnel Matters The board accepted the resignation of a coach. 

Mike Wojtczuk has resigned as the 8th grade boys basketball coach effective October 25, 2021.

The board voted and approved to employ the following individuals: 

Tonya Pankey, as the 8th grade boys basketball coach, effective immediately.

Rebecca Barker, as a secretary I, effective immediately, pending successful completion of background checks.

Regular Board Meeting—November 10, 2021

Approval of Consent agenda

The board approved the consent agenda items as presented. They included the following:  Minutes of the October 13, 2021, regular board meeting.

Minutes of the Ocotber 27, 2021, special board meeting.

October Warrants

MSBA Policies adopted were:

1) Policy AH – Use of Tobacco and Vaping Products

2) Policy BCB – Board Officers

3) Policy EBBA – Illness and Injury

4) Policy ECG – Animals on District Property

Closed Session

The board approved to conduct a closed session following the open meeting on November 10, 2021 for the B.O.E. regular board meeting to discuss personnel and student matters.

Approval of the FT’23 Enhancement Grant

Mr. Craig Hayden was present to discuss the enhancement grant proposal. This grant allows us to keep cur[1]rent with industry standards in our career center by utilizing matching funds. The board approved the FY’23 enhancement grant proposal as presented.

Amend Substitute Pay Structure for FY’22 Mr. Andy Comstock explained to the board the district’s substitution shortage and proposed a few ways to address the issue immediately. Two proposals that the board approved and to be effective this pay period were:

1) The district will pay retired PCSD teachers $15 more per day.

2) The district will pay any sub teacher an extra $10 per day for days in which they sub 10 or more full days in a pay period.

Thanksgiving Break

The board voted and approved to close the district from Nov. 22nd thru Nov. 26th for Thanksgiving break. This is in efforts to show appreciation and compensate the extra hours the staff have been working due to sub shortages across the district. The staff currently covers 60% of the unfilled sub positions.

John T. Belcher Scholarship Committee

Nancy & Casey will represent the BOE on the selection and interviewing committee.

COVID Data Tracking Progress Ms. Jennifer Bauwens presented the latest Covid data showing the districts trends and discussed the type of data to be posted on the district’s website.

Board Policies:

The board reviewed MSBA policy IGBCA (Programs for Homeless Students) Policy IGBCA deals with programs for homeless students. This policy has been amended to create a section on homeless students who meet the definition of unaccompanied youths and to revise the dispute resolution process to comply with the DESE model.

The board reviewed the Policy IGBCA, amended as recommended by MSBA, it will be placed as a consent agenda item on the December 8th board agenda for approval.

Superintendent Report

Mr. Comstock reported the Notice to Candidates Filing dates are Dec. 7th as the 1st day to file. Dec. 28th is the last day to file. There are two 3 year positions to be filled on the board of education and one 1 year position.

Next week, Nov. 15 thru the 19th is American Education Week. In recognition of American Education week, on Nov. 18th @ 1:30—3:30 p.m., the administration along with available board members will be handing out turkeys to all staff.

Mr. Comstock also reported on the maintenance and construction projects. Bids for the new Middle School will be open Nov. 23rd and they will be presented to the board during the December 8th board mtg.

District Spotlight The middle school blast council was featured this month. A video of the student’s working at the Food Bank was shown during open session. It featured the blast council members making, stacking, filling boxes w/ sup[1]plies, taping them shut and loading the boxes. The blast council filled and loaded 585 boxes. Each month the Administration staff will present a new spotlight to the board.

Missouri School Board Association Report

The monthly MSBA board report was made available for the board members to review.

Approval of the minutes

The board approved the minutes from the closed session as presented. They included the following: 

Minutes of the October 13, 2021, regular board meeting.

Minutes of the October 27, 2021, special board meeting

Student Matters

The board took action pertaining to two separate student matters.

Personnel Matters

The board accepted three certified staff retirements. They are: 

Karen Bahr-Wiersma, STEM teacher at the Elementary School effective June 30, 2022

Stan Cook, Instructor Digital Media effective June 30, 2022

Jeff Steffens, High School Principal effective June 30, 2022

The board voted and approved to employ the following individuals, they are: 

Trina Schroeder Brewer as a Food Service Manager for the Elementary effective immediately.

Tiffany Schneier as an Administrative Assistant I for the Elementary, start date is pending successful completion of background checks.

Note: Zenetta Hewkin will transfer to the Primary as an Administrative Assistant

Noel Friedrich as the ECSE/ Special Education Teacher start date is set for January 3, 2022, pending successful completion of background checks.

Tiffany Elder as a Special Education Student Aide start date is pending successful completion of background checks.

Lindsay Rhyne as a Special Education Student Aide in the Elementary start date is pending successful completion of background checks. 

Nicholas Cowell as the Middle School Principal for the 2022-23 school year.

One classified member will be departing. 

Linda Coffman is retiring as an Administrative Assistant I in the Primary, effective January 1, 2022.