Lily Boyd named SGHS April Rotary Student of the Month

STE. GENEVIEVE — Lily Boyd is the Rotary Student of the Month for April from Ste. Genevieve High School. Lily is the daughter of Katie and Scott Boyd.

Lily’s scholastic honors include: being ranked in the top 20 percent of her class and earning ‘A’ Honor Roll status each semester. She earned the designation of Summa Cum Laude for the past two school years. Lily has been involved in her class as an active member of Future Teachers of America, Cadet Teaching, Band and Supervised Business Experience.


Lily works part-time at Lakenan Insurance.

In her free time, Lily enjoys shopping with Launa and Milly, having game nights with family, fishing, and camping.


She plans to attend cosmetology school and then attend Mineral Area College for a degree in business.