Veterans Day Ceremony is huge success

By Jim Beers, contributing writer

   CHESTER — The 2020 Veterans Day Ceremony had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Citizens of Chester were sad that such an important event had to be cancelled. 


Local servicemen and servicewomen proudly presented the official flags of their respective services while the CHS Band performed the theme songs of those branches of the armed services.  Jim Beers Photo

After missing the opportunity to honor veterans last November, patriotic members of the community were ready to attend a live ceremony to recognize the major contributions of those who have done so much to keep America safe and sound.

The 2021 Veterans Day Ceremony was hosted by the American Legion in Chester. Members of both the Legion Post 487 and the VFW Post 3553 in Chester teamed up to make the event a huge success.

The Legion Hall Auditorium was decorated beautifully in red, white and blue trimming by the American Legion Auxiliary.  These decorations helped make the atmosphere very patriotic with all of its appeal and beauty.


American Legion Post 487 Commander Randy Werner served as Master of ceremonies at the 2021 Veterans Day Ceremony.  Jim Beers Photo

The program began precisely at 10:00 a.m. with a welcome from American Legion Post 487 Commander, Randy Werner. Werner then introduced Reverend Dr. Mike Fogerson who provided an Invocation to set the tone for the day.

Fogerson said, “We want to thank everyone for gathering here today to recognize the heroes and the brave men and women of our armed forces.  We thank God for blessing the soldiers and for their dedication and strength.  We thank them for standing together to protect our nation and we bless their families and appreciate their efforts.”

Steve Colonel and the Chester High School YellowJacket Band provided music throughout the 2021 Veterans Day Ceremony Thursday November 11 at the American Legion in Chester.  The group performed the “National Anthem”, “America the Beautiful”, “Armed Forces Medley”, and “Ashokan Farewell” during the program.  Jim Beers Photo 

Steve Colonel and the Chester High School Band then performed the National Anthem as everyone in the hall stood out of respect for the American Flag and the United States of America.  As usual, the band did a wonderful job of providing the music for the occasion.

After everyone sat after the National Anthem, Colonel and the CHS musicians performed, “America the Beautiful.”  It was a fitting tune to commemorate the occasion and express the emotion everyone was feeling towards the greatest country in the world and the veterans who protect it.

Mayor Tom Page welcomes the Veterans Day Ceremony crowd to the 2021 event and offers words of thanks and tribute to veterans in attendance.  Jim Beers Photo

Mayor Tom Page of Chester then took center stage and welcomed everyone to the 2021 Veterans Day Ceremony. 

Members of the Chester Boy Scout Troops and their leaders attended the 2021 Veterans Day Ceremony and were thanked for all they do to support the many Veteran-Related Programs in Chester.  Jim Beers Photo

Page asked all of the Chester Boy Scouts and their leaders to stand, then said, “Thank you for always being involved in the Veterans Day program and for always putting the American Flags throughout the town.”

Mike Bierman of VFW Post 3553 in Chester stands and salutes as the Chester High School Band plays, “Armed Forces Medley” at the 2021 Veterans Day Ceremony at the American Legion.  Bierman served in the United States Navy and saluted as the band played the Navy theme song, “Anchors Aweigh”.  Jim Beers Photo

 “Thank you to the Chester High School Band and to Mr. Steve Colonel for always providing wonderful music for all of our patriotic events.  It is just unbelievable!”

Finally, Mayor Page said, “Thank you to everyone who automatically stands for the National Anthem.  That is how it should be.  It is great to have everyone stand when the band plays the Star Spangled Banner!”

Commander Werner also stood and greeted everyone and handed out several words of thanks. Werner said, “I want to thank the Boy Scouts, the CHS Band, The American Legion Auxiliary, as well as all of the Veterans who are here today to contribute to the program.”

“Furthermore I want to thank the community for supporting not only this program but all of the veterans groups in Chester.”  Werner then introduced David Friess, the Guest Speaker for the program.

David Friess is an Illinois State Representative and is a former resident of Chester.  He now lives in Red Bud where he practices law.

Friess introduced himself to the gathering and talked about his upbringing in Chester, his family, and his high his school education as a YellowJackets at CHS. Friess stated that after graduating from CHS in 1986, he joined the Air Force and served in Operation Desert Storm.


David Friess, Illinois State Representative, was the Guest Speaker at the 2021 Veterans Day Ceremony.  Friess is originally from Chester, graduating from Chester High School  in 1986, after which he served in the United States Air Force in Desert Storm.  He now lives in Red Bud where he is a lawyer and serves his constituents as Illinois State Representative.  Jim Beers Photo 

After presenting his brief biography, Representative Friess set a more somber tone as he paid tribute to the 13 American Service members who died in the August 26 suicide bombing at Kabul Afghanistan. Friess read the names of each of the 13 departed in remembrance of their sacrifices.

To end his presentation Friess said, “When you meet people, look for what you have in common, not for what differences you have. This will bring society together, and not drive it apart.” 

He noted that too often society is divided because of differences between each people. He strongly believes that if people look hard enough, they will find common ground that can help can bring them together and make the world a better place.

Steve Colonel and the Chester High School Band then played, “Armed Forces Medley” which featured the theme songs of each of the branches of the United States Military, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and U.S. the Coast Guard. 

Veterans of these branches were asked to stand and salute as their respective flags were presented to the audience.  This portion of the ceremony was especially moving as a recognition and tribute to the veterans in attendance.

The combined rifle squad from the American Legion Post 487 and the VFW Post 3553 in Chester stand at attention prior to presenting a 21-gun salute during the “Salute to Departed Veterans”; portion at the 2021 Veterans Day Ceremony hosted at the American Legion in Chester.  Jim Beers Photo

A combined rifle squad of American Legion and VFW Veterans then retreated to the  front lawn of the American Legion Hall where they conducted what is fondly known as, “A Salute to Departed Veterans.”

Seven members of the rifle squad fired a 21-gun salute by firing three orchestrated blank rounds from their rifles as directed by the “Officer of the Day”.

Brothers Blake Zappa (left) and Zach Zappa (right)  from Chester play Taps during the “Salute to Departed Veterans” segment  at the 2021 Veterans Day Ceremony at the American Legion Post 487 in Chester.  Both young college students came home from Southern Illinois University and John A. Logan College to contribute their talents to the success of the ceremony.  Both also play in the Marching Salukis at SIU-C.  Jim Beers Photo

Immediately following the 21-gun Salute, trumpeters, Zach Zappa and Blake Zappa, of Chester, played Taps to honor the departed.

To close the 2021 program, Ridge Fogerson, son of the Reverend Dr. Mike Fogerson, gave a Benediction followed by the playing of, “Ashokan Farewell” by the CHS Band. 

Everyone in attendance was then invited to join the American Legion Auxiliary for a FREE lunch consisting of delicious homemade beef vegetable soup, crackers, jumbo hot dogs, chips, iced tea, soda, and coffee.

In the lobby of the Legion the Auxiliary had a huge box where community members were asked to make donations of Kleenex which will be donated to the schools in Chester.

The project will terminate November 20. Donations are greatly appreciated both by the Auxiliary and the students and staff at each of the four schools in the community.