The Christmases We Remember

By Holly Thompson Rehder

As a young Mama, I really worked hard to make sure my three babies received everything on their Christmas lists that we could afford. I have always loved the traditions of Christmas: driving around to look at people’s Christmas lights, baking cookies on Christmas Eve, leaving some for Santa with milk and a nice note, and then having myself ready, sitting in a prime location, to take pictures and film as the kids woke up and ran for the tree on Christmas morning! Hearing their squeals and watching them rip through presents makes me smile today just thinking about it!


I’ve been so blessed to have these memories, and they will always be special to me. But one thing I’ve learned as a not-so-young Mama now, is what the kids actually remember about our past Christmases. I thought my column this week would be a good time to share this with you.


Just a few years ago, standing in the kitchen on Christmas morning and drinking coffee with my adult babies, we laughed and talked about their favorite Christmas stories. It didn’t take me long to realize all of my fuss and worry over presents didn’t even hit their top 10! They honestly never even mentioned a present that any of them had received. The entire discussion was about the games we played as a family, visiting grandparents and aunts, and the times we spent our Christmas traveling somewhere together as our family vacation.


It wasn’t the presents. It was the time.


As we go into this Christmas week, I hope this story is helpful to you. Enjoy your moments of time spent; time spent with your children, time spent with your friends, time spent with your loved ones. Because that is what we ultimately remember and cherish.


From my family to yours, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!


Contact Me

I always appreciate hearing your comments, opinions and concerns. Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at (573) 751-2459. You may write me at Holly Thompson Rehder, Missouri Senate, State Capitol, Rm 433, Jefferson City, MO 65101, send an email to or visit