Conservation Commission to consider conveyance of five-acre Perry Towersite at its regular meeting this week

JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Conservation Commission will meet Thursday and Friday for its December meeting.


There is one item on the agenda for action which concerns a location in Perry County, Mo.: Recommendation for approval to convey ownership of the 5-acre Perry Towersite in Perry County. No other information about the conveyance is included in the agenda.


The tentative agenda:



Thursday, Dec. 1, 10:30 a.m. – WORKSHOP and CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION


Friday, Dec. 2, 8:30 a.m. – REGULAR OPEN MEETING


Conservation Department Headquarters, 2901 W. Truman Blvd. in Jefferson City


Background documents related to open meeting agenda items are available for public viewing at Conservation Department Headquarters, Jefferson City, for eight calendar days prior to the meeting.


Any person who would like to comment to the Commission about a specific agenda item must make a written request to the Director at least four calendar days prior to the meeting. The time allotted for public comment and the number of speakers will be at the Commission’s discretion. Recording the open meeting is permissible, pursuant to any guidelines established by the Commission to minimize disruption to the meeting. Individuals wishing to record the open meeting by audiotape, videotape, or other electronic means should notify the Director at least four calendar days prior to the meeting so accommodations for such recording can be made.


To view live streaming of the open meeting, or to watch recordings of past meetings, go to


Dec. 1 at 10:30 a.m. — Workshop followed by Closed Executive Session:

Commission workshop

Vote to close meeting.

1 – Approval of minutes of previous executive session(s) (610.021 RSMo).

2 – Consideration of supporting documentation related to recommendations to suspend or revoke hunting, fishing, and trapping privileges (621.021(1), 610.021.14, 454.440.9, 211.321 RSMo).

3 – Consideration of confidential or privileged communications between the Commission and its Internal Auditor regarding work product (610.021(17) RSMo).

4 – Consideration of negotiated contracts (610.021(12) RSMo).

5 – Consideration of legal actions, causes of action, or litigation and attorney-client privileged communications as provided for in 610.021(1) RSMo.

6 – Consideration of potential real estate transactions/negotiations (610.021(2) RSMo).

7 – Consideration of recommendations relating to the hiring/firing/disciplining/promoting of personnel (610.021(3) RSMo.


Dec. 2 at 8:30 a.m. — Regular Open Meeting:

Call to order — Mark McHenry, Chair


Director’s Comments — Sara Parker Pauley, Director

Presentation: Relevancy Program — Jessica Hoey, Relevancy Branch Chief

Presentation: Communications Program — Heather Feeler, Communications Branch Chief

Action Item: Consideration of items on the Consent Calendar (to be approved with a single action unless any Commission member requests an item be removed and taken up separately). Items removed will be addressed as the last action item on the meeting agenda.


Public Comments: Ray Salva, Sugar Creek, on Brown Bend Access in Camden County


Regulations Committee:

Action Item: Report of the Regulations Committee, including final orders of rulemaking from mid-year code review, and other associated action items — Jason Sumners, Deputy Director and Chair,


Regulations Committee


Presentation/Action Item: Recommendation to set season dates for each portion of the 2023-2024 firearms deer hunting season and proposed changes to regulations related to CWD Management —


Presentation by Jason Isabelle, Cervid Program Supervisor


Presentation/Action Item: 2023 Missouri Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations Recommendations and


Turkey Research Update — Presentation by Nicholas Oakley, Scientist


Administration – Budget:


Presentation: Financial Report — Andrew Bond, Chief Financial Officer

Infrastructure Management Branch:


Presentation: Major Construction Projects Status Report — Jacob Careaga, Infrastructure Management Branch Chief


Action Item: Consideration of bid for construction of the Hunnewell Lake Conservation Area


Residential Housing Replacement project located in Shelby County.


Realty Committee: Jennifer Battson Warren, Deputy Director and Chair, Realty Committee

Action Item: Recommendation for approval to sell the 20-acre Charles Fox Pharis Memorial Conservation Area in Bates County.


Action Item: Recommendation for approval to sell the 56-acre Price Bridge Access in Chariton County.


Action Item: Recommendation for approval to purchase approximately 210 acres in Adair County as an addition to the Northeast Regional Office.


Action Item: Recommendation for approval to purchase approximately 80 acres in Pemiscot County as an addition to the Desoto Unit of Black Island Conservation Area.


Action Item: Recommendation for approval to convey ownership of the 5-acre Perry Towersite in Perry County.


Action Item: Recommendation for approval to convey ownership of the 5-acre Squires Towersite in Douglas County.


Statewide Resource Management: Justine Gartner, Forestry Section Chief


Action Item: Recommendation for approval to advertise and sell an estimated 1,252,045 board feet of timber located on 385 acres of Compartment 6, Coldwater Conservation Area in Wayne County.



Action Item: Consideration of items removed from the Consent Calendar, if any.


Presentation of the newest mural in the “Conservation Advances in Missouri” series — Aaron Jeffries, Deputy Director


Special Presentation: Recognition of Herschel P. “Woody” Bledsoe being inducted into the Missouri

Conservation Hall of Fame — Jason Sumners, Deputy Director


Other matters of interest





Items on the following Consent Calendar either require Commission Action (if noted) or may be written reports presented for Commission information only.

The Consent Calendar covers routine items to be taken up by the Commission as the first order of business and approved with a single action. Any Commission member may request an item be removed from the Consent Calendar to be addressed individually. Any Commission member may abstain from voting on an item without removing it by specifying the item number and his/her desire to abstain prior to the vote. Items removed from the Consent Calendar are taken up in numerical order as called for by the Commission Chair or as listed on the regular meeting agenda.

C.1 Action Item: Approval of minutes of previous open meeting(s).

C.2 Action Item: Recommendation for approval to suspend or revoke one or more hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges of individuals for cause — Catherine Lucia, Internal Auditor

C.3 Action Item: Consideration of request for reinstatement of one or more hunting and/or fishing privileges — Catherine Lucia, Internal Auditor

C.4 Action Item: Recommendation for approval to suspend or revoke hunting privileges of individual(s) who inflicted injury to another person while hunting — Catherine Lucia, Internal Auditor

C.5 Quarterly Permit Suspensions/Revocations Report — Catherine Lucia, Internal Auditor

C.6 Action Item: Conservation Employees’ Benefits Plan update and recommendation to appoint a new staff representative to the Board of Trustees for a three-year term — Tom Neubauer, Human Resources Branch Chief

C.7 Action Item: Recommendation for approval to create a retiree trustee position for the Board of Trustees for the Conservation Employees’ Benefits Plan (CEBP) and update the CEBP Trust Agreement — Tom Neubauer, Human Resources Branch Chief

C.8 Quarterly Personnel Changes Report — Tom Neubauer, Human Resource Branch Chief

C.9 Action Item: Recommendation for approval of the following Department policies:

C.9(a) Real Estate Policy, C.9(b) Conservation Easement Policy, and C.9(c) Infrastructure Asset Management Policy — Jennifer Battson Warren, Deputy Director

C.10 Information Technology Projects Status Report — Douglas Fees, Information Technology Branch Chief


February 2-3, 2023

March 13-14, 2023

May 18-19, 2023

July 13-14, 2023

September 7-8, 2023

December 7-8, 2023