Ste. Genevieve R-II Board Briefs released

Produced by the Ste. Genevieve R-II School District

STE. GENEVIEVE — This information includes highlights from the Ste. Genevieve County R-II Board of Education’s Nov. 15, 2022, Regular Meeting. This is an unofficial record. The official Board Minutes are posted on the district website and are located on BoardDocs, linked here ( The video of the meeting can be found on the district’s Youtube Channel, SGDragonsTV (


The MSBA November Board Report ( features a look at the process behind the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Blue Ribbon Commission’s recommendations to the State Board of Education. In addition, MSBA Director of Governmental Relations Brandt Shields provided a preview of issues expected to come up early in the 2023 legislative session.


Board members and administrators listen to concerns and respond when appropriate by mail or telephone at a later date. The Board does not respond within the meeting to those who come to offer public comment. In order to speak during public participation, a Public Comment Form must be filled out and submitted to the Board President prior to the beginning of the meeting. See Policy BDDH-1: Public Participation at Board Meetings ( for guidelines and procedures.



Parent-Teacher Conferences. Superintendent Dr. Julie Flieg presented the data on parents and guardians participation in Parent-Teacher Conferences this past November ($file/Parent%20Teacher%20Conference%20Data%202022.pdf). Participation percentages are included by building below:

  • Bloomsdale Elementary: 91.42%

  • Ste. Genevieve Elementary: 92.63%

  • Ste. Genevieve Middle School: 30.55%

  • Ste. Genevieve High School: 35.74%

In comparison to last year’s participation rates, Bloomsdale Elementary decreased by about 2%, Ste. Genevieve Elementary fell about 2%, Ste. Genevieve Middle School decreased 13%, and Ste. Genevieve High School increased by about 2%. Some of these conferences were in-person, some were virtual, and some were by phone call.

Bloomsdale Elementary – Gysbers Award. We are excited to announce that on behalf of the School Counseling Section of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Bloomsdale Elementary School will be recognized as one of the recipients of the Missouri DESE Gysbers Comprehensive School Counseling Award ($file/Bloomdale%20Elementary%20School%20Letter.pdf)!

This award is bestowed for their dedicated work, and also as a recognition for receiving the Nationally Recognized Missouri Program (NRM) in 2022. This special recognition will be announced at the Missouri School Counselor Association (MSCA) Conference this fall. The award will also be presented to Counselor Amy Rowland at the MSCA Professional Recognition Ceremony on Dec. 3, 2022, at the Missouri State Capitol Building in Jefferson City.

Dr. Flieg thanked counselor Amy Rowland, as well as the Counseling Advisory Council and all of those who assist in the Counseling Program at BLE, for their hard work and all that they do to assist our students, parents, teachers, and community members. She shared that we are incredibly proud of Mrs. Rowland for the hard work and dedication she infused into this project over the span of the last few years.

Principal Reports. Our building principals and a few of our elementary and high school students reported on a variety of teacher and student accomplishments (

Safety Reports. Safety drills from each building were reviewed.

New Board Member Certification Training. The Ste. Genevieve County R-II School District would like to congratulate Board of Education members Jamie Ballew and Josh Gettinger for their participation in the Essential New Board Member Certification training sponsored by the Missouri School Boards’ Association. District administration and their fellow Board members congratulated Mrs. Ballew and Mr. Gettinger on their achievement.


Instructional Program Presentation — Elementary Special Education. The team of special education teachers and staff from around the district presented the special educational programming. This included the services, roles and responsibilities of speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, Youth Day Treatment (or Dragon T.A.L.E.S.), and special education teachers. Some of this information included explanations and overview of RTI, data collection and interpretation of results, treatment, lessons and events, and more! See more here (

Set Procedures for Annual School Board Election. The Board approved a resolution to authorize an election to be held on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, to fill three three-year terms as directors of the Ste. Genevieve County R-II Board of Education ($file/Press%20Release%20-%20BOE%20Election.pdf). The expiring terms for Board members are Mr. Eric Basler, Mr. James Kirchner, and Mrs. Martha Resinger.

Qualified applicants for the Board may file a declaration of candidacy during regular business hours in the superintendent’s office. According to Board policy and state law, a candidate shall file their intent to become a candidate in person and in writing. Filing will begin on Dec. 6, 2022, at 8 a.m. and will end on Dec. 27, 2022, at 5 p.m. ln between these dates and times, candidates may file during regular business hours, which are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Filing will not occur on Dec. 23 and Dec. 26, and on days District Office is closed due to inclement weather. Documents necessary to file as a candidate for the Board may be secured, in person, at the superintendent’s office, which is located at 375 North Fifth Street in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. The names of the qualified candidates shall be placed on the ballot in order of filing as identified in SG R-ll Board Policy BBB-1: School Board Elections. You can visit our website at or call 573-883-4500 ext. 2004 for additional information.


Addition of Behavior Support Specialist. The Board approved the addition of a Behavior Support Specialist for the District for the 2022-23 school year.

The number of students identified with escalated behaviors in special education is increasing. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) IDEA has allocated funds to allow districts to focus on learning loss or gaps in services throughout the pandemic. As students are transitioning back into the school environment with pre-pandemic hours and expectations, IEP teams are identifying an increase of students’ inability to self regulate, calm themselves and remain in the classroom or school setting. These students need additional support, diversified strategies and activities for behavior improvement or modification.

The Behavior Support Specialist will serve as an intervention specialist working with students to learn and implement behavior modification skills, coach to educators regarding these interventions, and collaborate with IEP teams and families. The Behavior Support Specialist will also collaborate with care or grade levels teams when students are being considered for an evaluation due to suspecting an emotional disability.

For additional details about the BSS position, please see the job description ($file/Behavior%20Support%20Specialist.pdf).


The next Board of Education meeting will be a Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2022, at 7 p.m.