Democrats win in Missouri by connecting with voters

Akeam Ashford, Missouri Democrats
KANSAS CITY — Tuesday night’s election results show Missouri voters continue to align with Democrats on key issues such as reproductive rights, safer communities, a stronger economy, prioritizing education, rebuilding our infrastructure and adequately paying state workers.

Historians will write about Tuesday night’s results, after Democrats gained three House seats resulting in our biggest House caucus in over a decade. “We picked up three seats in the House thanks to the fair redistricting effort of the Missouri Democratic Party. We also held our Senate seats, and cut the margin statewide by four points,” said Michael Butler, Missouri Democratic Party Chairman. “It was a good night for Democrats!”

Key takeaways from Tuesday:

Democrats gained three House seats compared to 2020.

Key Democrat hold in SD24.

Statewide vote share improvement over the 2020 presidential and gubernatorial results.

Thank you to our Volunteers who provided countless hours of support by knocking doors, making phone calls and connecting with voters all across the state. Without you, we could not have made it this far. Continue to stay involved with the Missouri Democratic Party at