Missouri Sheriffs United say ‘Vote No On Amendment 3’

Submitted article

JEFFERSON CITY – Sheriffs across Missouri stand united to protect the citizens of Missouri and oppose Amendment 3 as it is written.


Amendment 3 contains more than thirty pages of constitutionally created rights, with several sections creating dangerous threats to our citizens.


Amendment 3 goes far beyond legalizing recreational use of marijuana for adults 21 years of age and older.


Amendment 3 ballot language is extremely misleading as to the content of the actual amendment.


For example, consider the main ballot question. “Do you want to amend the Missouri Constitution to remove state prohibitions on purchasing, possessing, consuming, using, delivering, manufacturing, and selling marijuana for personal use for adults over the age of twenty-one?”


This is a simple, straight forward question that distracts voters from what is hidden in the more than thirty pages of the actual amendment.


For example:


  • You are going through the family court process because a child’s father is constantly high on marijuana and verbally abusing family members. Now imagine the family court not being allowed to prohibit the father from using marijuana or any marijuana product. That’s what Amendment 3 does. It stops any court from prohibiting a parent’s use of marijuana as a condition for participating in or completing a family court program. Pages 13-4, subsection (14).


  • You have a loved one whose addiction and drug abuse has led to them being convicted of a drug crime. Now imagine the drug court not being allowed to prohibit your loved one from using marijuana as part of their recovery in the alternative sentencing program. That’s what Amendment 3 does. It stops any court from prohibiting individuals going through an alternative sentencing drug court program from using marijuana. Page 13, subsection (13).


  • Your child’s school bus driver cannot be disciplined or terminated for driving your child to school after smoking marijuana. That’s what Amendment 3 does. There is no limit to the level of THC a person can have in their system while operating a motor vehicle and the legislature cannot set one. Page 14, Subsection (7)(c).


Amendment 3 stops any court from prohibiting:


  • A person on pre-trial release or bond for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana from consuming marijuana as a condition of the release or bond. Page 13, subsection (12).


  • A person on probation or parole for any criminal offense in Missouri from consuming marijuana as a condition of their release. Page 32, subsection (6).


Amendment 3 creates risks in the workplace and schools in that it stops private and public employers from:


  • Not hiring a person based solely on their marijuana use.


  • Terminating employment of an employee who tests positive for marijuana while on the employer’s property during working hours.


  • Stopping an employee from using marijuana while in the workplace so long as the usage does not conflict with their job duties, or the ability to perform the job safely, or a bona fide occupational requirement of the job


Certain provisions in Amendment 3 create dangerous situations for Missourians.


  • Individuals in a habitually drugged condition due to marijuana use could no longer be prohibited from possessing a firearm. Page 14, subsection (16).


  • There is no limit to the level of THC a person can have in their system while operating a motor vehicle and the legislature cannot set one.


  • Any person who engages in the highly volatile process of extracting resins from marijuana using the very explosive and dangerous gas butane process will be subject only to administrative not a criminal sanction. Page 34, subsection (12).


Amendment 3 is bad for Missourians. It does not just legalize marijuana for recreational use. Amendment 3 creates hazardous situations that can put our children, families, and ourselves in danger at school, on the roadway, and in the workplace.


Vote NO on Amendment 3.


Sheriff William Puett, President Missouri Sheriffs United