Honor Missouri conservationists with MDC awards

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — The Missouri Conservation Commission and Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) are seeking nominations of Missourians who make or have made outstanding contributions to conservation in Missouri for their Master Conservationist award and Missouri Conservation Hall of Fame award. The deadline for nominations is Dec. 31. 


The Master Conservationist award honors living or deceased Missourians while the Missouri Conservation Hall of Fame award recognizes deceased individuals. Those who can be considered for either honor are:


  • Missourians who performed outstanding acts or whose dedicated service over an extended time produced major progress in fisheries, forestry, or wildlife conservation in Missouri.
  • Employees of conservation-related agencies who performed outstanding acts or whose dedicated service over an extended time produced major progress in fisheries, forestry, or wildlife conservation in Missouri.


Anyone can submit a nomination, which should include a statement describing the nominee’s accomplishments and a brief biography.


Get more information, criteria, and nomination forms for each award from the MDC website at mdc.mo.gov/about-us/awards-honors/master-conservationist and mdc.mo.gov/about-us/awards-honors/hall-fame.

Please submit nominations by Dec. 31 to Julie Love, Missouri Department of Conservation, PO Box 180, Jefferson City, MO  65102-0180 or email to Julie.Love@mdc.mo.gov

A screening committee appointed by the MDC director meets annually to consider nominees with the Conservation Commission conveying final approval.