Missouri Conservation Commission Action – September 2022

KIRKSVILLE – The Missouri Conservation Commission met Sept. 8 for a budget workshop and closed executive session and Sept. 9 for its regular open meeting. All were held at the MDC Northeast Regional Office at 3500 S. Baltimore in Kirksville.


Commissioners attending the open meeting in person or online were:

  • Mark L. McHenry, Chair
  • Steven D. Harrison, Vice Chair
  • Margaret (Margy) F. Eckelkamp, Secretary
  • (Barry) Orscheln, Member




The Commission received the following presentations/reports:


  • Director’s Comments — Sara Parker Pauley, Director
  • Northeast Region in Review — Danny Hartwig, Northeast Regional Administrator
  • Report of the Regulations Committee — Mike Hubbard, Deputy Director and Chair, Regulations Committee
  • CWD Public Input — Jason Isabelle, Cervid Program Supervisor
  • Financial Report and FY22 Year-End Financial Report — Andrew Bond, Chief Financial Officer
  • Major Construction Projects Status Report — Jacob Careaga, Infrastructure Management Branch Chief
  • Infrastructure Asset Management and Planning Proposed Policy and Target Condition Ratings — Caitlin Cruz, Infrastructure Asset and Planning Manager




The Commission:


  • Approved for submission the estimated Fiscal Year 2024 appropriation requests to the Office of Administration budget director pursuant to Section 33.220 RSMo.
  • Approved the purchase of approximately 100 acres in Shelby County from Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murray as an addition to Hunnewell Lake Conservation Area.
  • Approved the purchase of approximately 80 acres in Phelps County from Mrs. Ruby Matlock as an addition to Woodson K. Woods Conservation Area.
  • Approval the purchase of approximately 128 acres in Platte County from Mr. & Mrs. John M. Johnson and extended family as an addition to Kendzora Conservation Area.
  • Approved the purchase of approximately 5,805 acres in Carter and Shannon Counties from the Nature Conservancy as an addition to Peck Ranch Conservation Area and approved naming the tract “Don C. Bedell Unit of Peck Ranch Conservation Area.”
  • Approved the sale of an estimated 1,196,478 board feet of timber located on 562 acres of Compartment 19, Angeline Conservation Area in Shannon County.
  • Approved MDC recommendations to suspend or revoke one or more hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges of 13 individuals for cause:
  • Biak H. Bik, Verona, Fishing, 1 Year;
  • Logan W. David, Ozark, Hunting, 7 Years;
  • Edward S. Ferguson, St. Charles, Hunting, 1 Year;
  • Jonathon W. Geedy, Frierson (LA), Hunting, 2 Years;
  • James D. Hildebrand, Plato, Hunting, 2 Years;
  • Dillon L. Knight, Plattsburg, Hunting & Fishing, 1 Year;
  • Jimmy G. Null, Puxico, Hunting, 1 Year;
  • Christopher R. Odom, Perryville, All Sport, 1 Year;
  • Seth M. Parker, Vidor (TX), All Sport, 1 Year;
  • Paul S. Perfetto, Hannibal, Hunting, 1 Year;
  • Rhyen K. Romines, Holts Summit, Hunting, Addition of 2 Years to Current Revocation;
  • David A. Spurlock, Urbana, Hunting, No Action; and
  • Stephan R. Willis, East Prairie, Fishing, 3 Years.
  • Approved the early reinstatement of hunting privileges to Andrew A. Moesch of Stover.
  • Set the next regular meeting for Dec. 2, 2022.


This document is provided for public information only and is not an official record of the Missouri Department of Conservation or Missouri Conservation Commission.


To watch recordings of Commission meetings, go to http://on.mo.gov/2nodPJU