Chester Senior Center to sponsor AARP defensive driving course

CHESTER – The Chester Senior Center is sponsoring the AARP defensive driving course. 


The classes will be held on September 12th and 13th from 1-5 p.m. each day at the Chester Senior Center at 805 State Street in Chester. 


AARP defensive driving classes are for those who:


Just want to drive better and more safely–and enjoy doing it.


Desire an insurance discount for participating in an eight (8) hour course, a discount that lasts for 3 years;


Want more information on the effects of the aging process on driving and how to deal with them      effectively, or who


Wish information on the effects of medication on driving safety and steps to take to mitigate them.


Students learn defensive driving and how to compensate for normal aging changes in vision, hearing and reaction time.  The eight hour classroom course is offered in two four-hour sessions.


It is open to drivers aged 50 or older.  The state of Illinois requires insurance companies to give a discount on automobile liability coverage for most drivers 55 and older.  You may get a discount if you are 50 to 54.  Contact your insurance agent for specific information concerning your discount.  It’s well worth it!


There is a $20.00 fee for AARP members and a $25.00 fee for non AARP members for materials and to defray other costs. 


Please register for the course by calling the Chester Senior Center at 826-5108.