Hill and Dale Garden Club sponsors Smokey Bear, Woodsy Owl Poster Contest

BLOOMSDALE – St. Agnes Elementary students were excited to accept awards as the Hill and Dale Garden Club announced the local and state winners in the Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Contest for 2021.  Garden Club members Joan Wehner and Debbie Kirchner gave out the awards to the winning students at a school assembly at the end of the year.  Annually, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service in partnership with National Garden Clubs, Inc. gives elementary students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of wildfire prevention through original poster drawings of Smokey Bear and their participation in keeping our land clean through drawings of Woodsy Owl.

Hill and Dale Garden Club Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Contest State Winners from St. Agnes Elementary, Lyla Bauman, 5th grade, Chance Donze, 3rd Grade and Bennett Moll, 1st grade


Hill and Dale Garden Club had 51 participants from St. Agnes School in Bloomsdale this past fall.  Twenty posters were chosen at the local level to send in to the state competition.  First grade posters were from Josephine Holt, Corynn Schilly, Jameson Taylor, and Bennett Moll.  Second grade posters were from Greyson Brown, Thomas Emmett, Michael Wolk, and Carter Shuh.  Third grade posters were from Kyndall Lurk, Jax Taylor, Chance Donze, and Ben Lester.  Fourth grade posters were from Nate Lester, Michael Rozier, Abigail Govero, and Christina Emmett.  Fifth grade posters were from Abby Vogt, Lyla Bauman, Lyla Short, and Levi Fallert.

Hill and Dale Garden Club President Debbie Kirchner, top row on left and Club Poster Chairman, Joan Wehner, on right with Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Contest local student winners from St. Agnes Elementary.


Three students took first place at the state contest level and received monetary awards:  Lyla Bauman, 5th grade, Chance Donze, 3rd grade, and Bennett Moll, 1st grade.  These posters were sent on to the international contest for a student’s chance to win a trip to Washington, D.C.  Hill and Dale Garden Club President Debbie Kirchner said, “We were thrilled with the high level of student participation in the poster contest and that we had three state winners.”