Illinois, Missouri road trippers curtail travel plans

PORTLAND, Ore. – A survey of 3,023 road trippers by has revealed the extent to which soaring gas prices and rising inflation will affect families’ vacation plans this summer.
Illinoisans surveyed say their usual summer road trips will effectively be cut by almost half (by 43%). Usually each average roadtrip is 568 miles, however, this summer the average is expected to be 327 miles (241 miles less).
This is equivalent to driving as far as Sullivan (MO), and back. And it is not only roadtrippers who are altering their summer vacation plans.
Missourians surveyed said they could make a round trip of 320 miles, which is 44 percent lower than usual
Car rentals have had one of the largest price hikes, at around 40% more expensive than the average over the previous decade. Coupled with price increases in line with summer travel demand, those vacationing over summer are likely looking to dedicate fewer finances towards fuel and travel.
Those in Alaska and Wyoming said they would be traveling the closest to home. Vacationers here said they’ll be traveling 90% less distance than their road trips previously. In Alaska, this would be the equivalent of a short trip from the state capital, Juneau, to Saint Terese. 
When it comes to concerns about summer, 75% said they’re more worried about high inflation costs and prices than they are about covid. Combined with overall increased costs of living, many vacationers are looking to save money wherever they can. In fact, nearly 3 in 4 respondents said they’re more likely to opt in for free activities (like board games at their hotel), rather than paid-for activities, over their vacation time this year. And nearly half said they’re more likely to eat at casual fast-food stops or street vendors when they go on summer vacation this year, as compared to sit-down restaurants and bars.
Given the exponentially high price of car rentals at the moment, 1 in 3 vacationers also said they’re more likely now to visit a destination that doesn’t require driving, which could in turn be a boost for beach destinations. 
Additionally, nearly 3 in 4 regular road trippers admit they are more likely to skip their summer road trip this year, due to the high price of gas and inflation costs.
‘It’s a harsh reality that overall travel costs have heightened due to soaring inflation rates and gas costs,’ says Rose Ackermann at ‘When booking your summer vacation, try to ensure that you take full advantage of specials, discounts and coupons available to maximize your financial ability to spend funds on fun and save money where possible in an already expensive economic climate.’