Bloomsdale Elementary kindergarten students publish book

BLOOMSDALE – Recently, Ms. Ashley Gettinger’s kindergarten class at Bloomsdale Elementary had the opportunity to see their writings come to life through the publication of a picture book!

Students were inspired by a picture book Ms. Gettinger created when she was in college, as well as a picture book Mrs. Diesel had created and read to kindergarten about oceanic animals.

The subject the class chose was, “When I Grow Up…”

Each student thought hard about what they wanted to be, and began creating their own page for the book. The class asked art teacher Mrs. Christina Rudloff-Guilford to illustrate the front cover!

Once each student was finished with their page, Mrs. Gettinger sent their work to Student Treasures, which then published the finished book. When the class received a copy, they held a celebration and read the book together!

The class would like to share a special thank you to Board of Education Secretary Mrs. Geri Diesel for visiting and listening to the class’ finished book, and they would also like to thank first grade students for celebrating and listening to the class read their writings!