Chester High School graduates the Class of 2022

Photos by Jim Beers

CHS Co-Valedictorians and Salutatorian pose for a pre-graduation photo Sunday May 2 at the 137th Chester High School Commencement.  (Left to right) are: Co-Valedictorians Kaitlyn Pfeiffer, Alyssa Seymour and Madison Kribs and Salutatorian Emma Bryant. 

Chester High School Science Teacher, Carolyn Kish, introduces the Class of 2022 Salutatorian, Emma Bryant, at Graduation Ceremonies Sunday May 22.  This was one of Kish’s last official duties at CHS as she is resigning at the end of this school year to accept a new teaching position at Columbia High School beginning the 2022-23 school year. 

A view from behind the Chester High School Band under the direction of Steve Colonel at the 2022 CHS Graduation Ceremony Sunday May 22.  A standing room only crowd was on hand to witness 84 Class of 2022 seniors receive their diplomas and start the next chapters in their lives. 

Robin Barton, Assistant Principal at Chester High School, welcomes a standing room only crowd to the 2022 Chester High School Graduation Ceremony.  It was Chester High School’s 136th Commencement and 84 Class of 2022 seniors received their diplomas during the ceremony. 

Chester High School senior, Jacob Cowell, receives his diploma at the 2022 CHS Graduation Ceremony Sunday May 22. Presenting the diploma is Board of Education Member Trent Vasquez, President.  Cowell will serve in the United States Marines upon his reporting in August of 2022. 

Emma Bryant was the Chester High School Class of 2022 Salutatorian.  Shown here Bryant welcomes everyone to the CHS Graduation Ceremony Sunday May 22 at 3:00 p.m. 

Alyssa Seymour, one of three 2022 Chester High School Co-Valedictorians, gives her speech at graduation Sunday May 22 at Colbert Gymnasium. 

Co-Valedictorian Kaitlyn Pfeiffer preseNts her speech Sunday May 22 at Chester High School Graduation.  There were three Co-Valedictorians in 2022.

Chester High School had three Co-Valedictorians in 2022.  Shown here Co-Valedictorian Madison Kribs gives her speech during the graduation Ceremony Sunday May 2 at 3:00 p.m.