Chester Beautification/Tourism Commission meets Thursday

CHESTER – The Chester Beautification/Tourism Commission meets Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the municipal building, 1330 Swanwick Street, Chester, Illinois.


The meeting is open to the public.


The tentative agenda:


Chester Beautification/Tourism Commission Agenda

May 19, 2022



Pledge of Allegiance       

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes-Donella Butler/Melissa Gross

Treasurer’s Report-Linda Rader


Public Petitions & Correspondence

Memorials for Marlene Seymour


Standing Committee Reports

Hometown Proud

Take Pride Award-JoAnn Simmons/Linda Rader

Planters-Tony West/Brenda Owen

Riverboat/Tour Programming-Linda Rader/Patti Carter

First boat scheduled on June 11

Tourism-Brenda Owen

Change machine for Welcome Center


Special Committee Reports

Riverfront Improvement-JoAnn Simmons

Potential green space at corner of State and Swanwick-Ray Allison/Cynthia Lawder


Commission Function Reports   

Public Relations-Cynthia Lawder/Bob Lockhart

City Council update-Ray Allison

Welcome Center update-Bob Lockhart

Randolph County Tourism-Ronnie White


Old Business

Commission openings

Refurbish Popeye murals at gazebo park


New Business

Any other business that may come before the commission


Adjournment & Next meeting:  Thursday, June 16 at 6:30 PM at City Hall