Threat of rain changes date of Perryville Fly-In to May 1

Event organizers checked and re-checked the weather forecast for Saturday and Mother Nature does not appear to want to cooperate, so the annual Fly-in will be held on its rain date of Sunday, May 1.

“There’s nothing like the threat of rain and storms to dampen a fly-in,” said one of the organizers Greg Gremminger. “So we thought we’d make the decision early to change the date in hopes that people who were planning to come Saturday could still make it on Sunday. Everything else remains the same.”

The event will get underway at about 9:00 a.m.  with various types of aviation on site including airplanes, helicopters, ultralights, gyroplanes, RC model displays, and drones. Visitors will be able to see the planes up close and talk with pilots.

“In addition to talking to pilots, we’ll have representatives from two flight schools (SIU-Carbondale School of Aviation and SEMO Flight School) to provide information on training to become a pilot as well as planning a career in aviation,” explained Gremminger. “Representatives from the Experimental Aircraft Association will also be here to tell youngsters about its Young Eagles program.”

Gremminger said besides showcasing the airport as a great community asset for Perryville, he hopes kids will come and enjoy the activities.

“We’re getting back to “grassroots” aviation with a paper airplane flying distance competition at 1:00 p.m., said Gremminger. “Youngsters between 6 and 12 are invited to bring their paper airplanes made at home or use the paper and instructions available at the Fly-in. First, second and third place winners will receive McDonald’s gift cards.

There will be some hangar exhibits, free refreshments (brats, hotdogs and chips), and drawings for helicopter rides courtesy of Cape Copters and other prizes.