SGES students win local National Anthem singing contest

STE. GENEVIEVE – Two students at Ste. Genevieve Elementary School has come in first in the local level of a National Anthem singing competition among students.



Lois Flieg from the Ste. Genevieve VFW Post presented certificates to Grace Lipp (left photo) and Sydney Nesslein (right photo).


Grace Lipp will move on to the district level.


Students from Ste. Genevieve R-II and surrounding schools were invited to participate in the “Get Excited for the Red, White and Blue” for youth in grades K-12.


Sydney Nesslein also participated in the local level and received a certificate.


Some of the judging criteria for the singing competition was vocal ability, mastery of lyrics, interpretation, and entertainment value.


The Ste. Genevieve VFW Post sponsored the event.