The Golden Rule

By Elaine Gannon, state senator

Easter weekend begins with Maundy Thursday, a day for Christians to reflect on the final, selfless acts of Jesus. Knowing he would soon be denied, betrayed and crucified before joining his heavenly father, Christ humbly knelt before each disciple and washed their feet.


“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done to you,” John 13:14-15.


This humble, symbolic gesture demonstrated Christ’s will to put the needs of others before his own, but it was also a call to action for us all to live by the golden rule. I strive to embody this “do unto others” tenet with my colleagues in the Missouri Senate, the community I serve and the legislation I sponsor, and while it may not be the fastest or easiest approach, kindness prevails in the long run. The miracle of Easter is evidence of this.


On April 11, I presented a piece of legislation I hope will serve our state well in the long-term. Senate Bill 1219 establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act. This proposal is designed to help Missourians that exercise their 1st Amendment rights by limiting meritless strategic lawsuits against public participation, or SLAPPs. Missouri’s current anti-SLAPP laws do little to protect our citizens, so this measure addresses those flaws by expanding the scope of speech covered by the law and establishing procedural protections.


One essential feature of SB 1219 requires a plaintiff to be forthright about their ability to win the case, and it expedites the dismissal of frivolous lawsuits. In addition, when a speaker wins the suit brought against them, they will not be forced to pay the exorbitant costs associated with the litigation. If enacted, Missouri will be the 22nd state to pass similar legislation.


Missouri Farm Bureau Hosts Youth Leadership Day

I always enjoy welcoming members of our community to the Capitol, especially our future leaders. This week I had the honor of visiting with students and faculty from our community who attended Missouri Farm Bureau’s Youth Leadership Day on April 7.

Members of Washington High School’s FFA explain current events to Sen. Gannon.

Senator Gannon joins FFA members from Iron County R-4, Lesterville School District and Arcadia Valley R-II during their visit to the Capitol.